const { dtsPlugin } = require("esbuild-plugin-d.ts"); const { build } = require("esbuild"); // OR import { dtsPlugin } from "esbuild-plugin-d.ts"; import { build } from "esbuild"; build({ entryPoints: ["./test/index.ts"], outdir: "./dist", plugins: [dtsPlugin({ //...
import{build}from'esbuild';import{copy}from'esbuild-plugin-copy';(async()=>{constres=awaitbuild({entryPoints:['./src/main.ts'],bundle:true,watch:true,outfile:'./dist/main.js',plugins:[copy({// this is equal to process.cwd(), which means we use cwd path as base path to resolve ...
First, check ifesbuild supportsthe transform you need(it's faster). If not, you can add the Babel plugin you need with this plugin. Install npm install esbuild-plugin-babel --save-dev Use esbuild.config.js importesbuildfrom'esbuild';importbabelfrom'esbuild-plugin-babel'; esbuild .build(...
Import .file.ts/.file.js modules to build files using the file loader...For example, importing rocket-launch.svg.file.ts builds rocket-launch.svg in the build output directory during build time. install npm i -D esbuild-plugin-esmfile usage Build file import { build } from 'esbuild'...
Build Awesome Libraries using React Server Components and make your Mark! - an esbuild plugin for compiling libraries compatible with React 18 server and client component, Nextjs13, Nextjs14 - react18-tools/esbuild-plugin-react18
使用esbuildPlugin压缩umd后无法使用但terser压缩就可以,这是为什么? 如题,我目前是打算把我的vue2项目打包成lib然后通过script标签引入后,通过window使用项目中的组件,但是我使用terser压缩后的产物(umd.min.js)可以正常使用,使用esbuldPlugin压缩就会报404错误,target为es2015和es5的情况我也都试过了,都不行,有没...
$ yarn add @chialab/esbuild-plugin-commonjscopy Try in RunKit· Browse Files CDNs jsDelivr unpkg Popularity GitHub stargazers 163 Downlo...
constPluginPostCSS =require('esbuild-plugin-postcss').default esbuild({ ... plugins: [ PluginPostCSS({// 根据less文件生成.d.ts文件 (from v0.1.1)declaration:true, }) ],loader: {'.tsx':'tsx','.ts':'ts', }, }) index.less
@chialab/esbuild-plugin-commonjs/types/index.d.ts Version: 326 BTypeScriptView Raw 1 /** 2 * @typedef {import('@chialab/cjs-to-esm').TransformOptions} PluginOptions 3 */ 4 /** 5 * @param {PluginOptions} options 6 * @returns An esbuild plugin. 7 */ 8 export defau...
将上述配置添加到你的 Rollup 配置文件中,并运行 Rollup 构建命令(如 rollup -c)来测试配置是否有效。确保你的项目依赖中已安装 rollup-plugin-esbuild 和esbuild: bash npm install --save-dev rollup-plugin-esbuild esbuild 然后,你可以运行 Rollup 构建来查看输出是否符合预期。