构建esbuild可执行文件(在 Windows 中会生成esbuild.exe文件): go build ./cmd/esbuild 如果你想要构建其他平台的版本, 可以在构建命令前添加平台信息。 比如,你可以使用如下命令构建 32 位 Linux 版本: GOOS=linux GOARCH=386 go build ./cmd/esbuild ...
"packager": "electron-packager ./ App --platform=win32 --arch=x64 --electron-version=2.0.0 --overwrite"//此处为添加命令 } 1. 2. 3. 4. 然后运行命令打包 npm run packager 然后项目中会出现一个App-win32-x64的文件夹,这个文件就是打包好的桌面应用,文件夹里有一个App.exe文件,App.exe就是...
info esbuild-windows-32@0.13.3: The CPU architecture "x64" is incompatible with this module. info esbuild-windows-64@0.13.3: The platform "linux" is incompatible with this module. info "esbuild-windows-64@0.13.3" is an optional dependency and failed compatibility check. Excluding it from ...
masterimages npm esbuild-darwin-64 esbuild-linux-64 esbuild-wasm esbuild-windows-64 scripts src .gitignore LICENSE.md Makefile README.md package-lock.json package.jsonBreadcrumbs esbuild / npm/ Directory actions More options Failed to load latest commit information....
MariaDB 10和PHP 7的WordPressesbuild 项目主要目标是: 开辟一个构建工具性能的新时代,创建一个易用的...
mob64ca12df277e 2月前 29阅读 压缩打包工具 压缩打包介绍1.常用压缩文件:Windows,rarzip7zLinux,zipgzbz2xztar.gztar.bz2tar.xzgzip压缩工具1.压缩文件[root@weix01d6z]#du-sh1.txt2.0M1.txt[root@weix01d6z]#gzip1.txt#gzip+name[root@weix01d6z]#ls1.txt.gz2.解压缩:gzip-d[root@wei ...
]}由于我使用的是 windows ,所以只有 esbuild 的依赖包esbuild-windows-64被安装。根据构建 binPath ...
]}由于我使用的是 windows ,所以只有 esbuild 的依赖包esbuild-windows-64被安装。根据构建 binPath ...
// Original code: enum.tsexportenumPlatform { WINDOWS ='windows', MACOS ='macos', LINUX ='linux', }// Original code: main.tsimport{ Platform }from'./enum';declareconstPLATFORM:string;exportfunctionlogPlatform(){if(PLATFORM == Platform.WINDOWS)console.log('Windows');elseif(PLATFORM == Pla...
# linux/ppc64le # netbsd/amd64 # windows/amd64 # # Also, it isn't necessarily supported on older OS versions even if the OS/CPU # combination is supported, such as on macOS 10.9. If you want to test using # the race detector, you can manually add it using the ESBUILD_...