node:fs). This plugin is still useful for deploying to Deno Deploy, which doesn't support them yet.Usageimport { build } from "esbuild"; import { polyfillNodeForDeno } from "esbuild-plugin-polyfill-node"; build({ entryPoints: ["src/index.js"], bundle: true, outfile: "dist/bundle....
import{build}from"esbuild";import{polyfillNode}from"esbuild-plugin-polyfill-node";build({entryPoints:["src/index.js"],bundle:true,outfile:"dist/bundle.js",plugins:[polyfillNode({// Options (optional)}),],}); Options globals.buffer: Whether to inject theBufferglobal. Disable it to prevent ...
Disable it to prevent process.env.NODE_ENV from pulling in the process-es6 polyfill. You can use the define option to replace process.env.NODE_ENV instead. Default: true. polyfills: Polyfills to inject. It's an object where the keys are the names of the polyfills and the values are ...
import { build } from "esbuild"; import { polyfillNodeForDeno } from "esbuild-plugin-polyfill-node"; build({ entryPoints: ["src/index.js"], bundle: true, outfile: "dist/bundle.js", plugins: [ polyfillNodeForDeno({ // Options (optional) }), ], });...
import{ NodeGlobalsPolyfillPlugin }from'@esbuild-plugins/node-globals-polyfill'import{ build }from'esbuild'build({ plugins: [ NodeGlobalsPolyfillPlugin({ process:true, buffer:true, define: {'process.env.var':'"hello"'},// inject will override define, to keep env vars you must also pass ...
remorses3.8mISC0.2.3 null readme copy remorses/esbuild-plugins@esbuild-plugins/node-globals-polyfill Use it $yarn add @esbuild-plugins/node-globals-polyfill Try in RunKit·Browse Files ...
0.2.3•Public• Published2 years ago This package does not have a README.Add a READMEto your package so that users know how to get started. Readme Keywords none npm i@esbuild-plugins/node-globals-polyfill Repository ...
rollup 与 webpack 都是基于 JavaScript 依赖系统的一个打包构建工具,他们的共同点很多,都是通过解析 JavaScript 的依赖树将代码输出为指定版本的 JavaScript,供浏览器或者 node 环境执行。不同的是 rollup 相对 webpack 更轻量,其构建的代码并不会像 webpack 一样被注入大量的 webpack 内部结构,而是尽量的精简保...
在控制台测试node scripts/build.js正常,更新 package.json 中的脚本文件。 两大常用 APIbuild和transform 其他的一些 API 配置项有的只用于 build,有的只用于 transofrm,也有都可以用的。 build打包编译代码,并写入文件系统。 transform顾名思义,用于转换代码。比如.vue 文件转换、typescript 转 js 等等。
shim 与 polyfill web bundler碰到的另一个问题就是大部分的社区模块都是围绕node开发的,其会大量依赖node的原生api,但是浏览器上并不会支持这些api,因此直接将这些模块跑在浏览器上就会出问题。此时分为两种情况 一种是这些模块依赖的实际就是些node的utily api例如utils、path等,这些模块实际上并不依赖node runti...