esbmc-aiPublic Automated Code Repair suite powered by ESBMC and LLMs. C34544(1 issue needs help)0UpdatedFeb 25, 2025 ethcheckPublic A command-line tool for verifying the Ethereum Consensus Specification esbmc/ethcheck’s past year of commit activity ...
曼彻斯特大学和TPV Technology的研究人员推出了一种名为 ESBMC-Python 的新型工具,旨在验证 Python 程序。ESBMC-Python 利用 ESBMC 框架(一个高效的基于SMT的边界模型检查器)来形式化地验证 Python 代码。该工具将 Python 程序转换为抽象语法树 (AST),然后进行类型注释并格式化以适应 BMC 流程。这种转换克服了 Pytho...
ESBMC (the Efficient SMT-based Context-Bounded Model Checker) is a mature, permissively licensed open-source context-bounded model checker that automatically detects or proves the absence of runtime errors in single- and multi-threaded C, C++, CUDA, CHERI, Kotlin, Python, and Solidity programs...
ESBMC is an SMT-based bounded model checker that provides a bit-precise verification of both C and C++ programs. Bounded model checking (BMC) was developed to provide faster results when finding property violations; BMC achieves this by limiting the number of loop unwindings and recursion depth...
ESBMC: Scalable and Precise Test Generation based on the Floating-Point Theory (Competition Contribution) Mikhail R. Gadelha1 , Rafael Menezes2 , Felipe R. Monteiro2 , Lucas C. Cordeiro3 , and Denis Nicole4 1 SIDIA Instituto de Ciˆencia e Tecnologia, Manaus, Brazil 2 Federal University...
ESBMC is an SMT-based bounded model checker for real-world C programs. Such programs often represent real numbers using the floating-points, most commonly, the IEEE floating-point standard (IEEE 754-2008). Thus, ESBMC now includes a new floating-point arithmetic encoding layer in our SMT bac...
: : ESBMC is a context-bounded symbolic model checker for single- and multi-threaded ANSI-C code. Itconverts the verification conditions using different background theories and passes them directly to an SMT solver. 引量: 3 : 2012 ...
Exonic splicing enhancers (ESEs) activate nearby splice sites and promote the inclusion (vs. exclusion) of exons in which they reside, while being a binding site for SR proteins. To study the impact of ESEs on alternative splicing it would be useful to h
The RNA binding protein, DEAD END (DND1), is essential for maintaining viable germ cells in vertebrates. It is also a testicular germ cell tumor susceptibility factor in mice. DND1 has been shown to interact with the 3'-untranslated region (3'-UTR) of mR
Our research question was “How does the support afforded within a new peer tutoring program at a hospital based clinical school assist students, both as peer tutors and tutees, in development of their knowledge, skills and attitudes?”