The narrative of Esau selling his birthright to Jacob, in Genesis 25, states that Esau despised his birthright. However, it also alludes to Jacob being deceitful. In Esau's mother and father's eyes, the deception may have been deserved.Rebekah later abets Jacobin receiving his father's bless...
A reply for which laborious excuses have been invented; as that Jacob spoke mystically, meaning not that he individually, but that his descendants, the Church, were Isaac's firstborn (Augustine); or figuratively, as importing that since he had already bought Esau s birthright, he might justly...
Or, "rejected" him, as the Targum; did not love him as Jacob: this was a negative, not positive hatred; it is true of him, personally considered; not only by taking away the birthright and blessing from him, which he despised; but by denying him his special grace, leaving him in hi...
Edom, meaning "red," is linked to Esau's red appearance at birth and the red stew for which he traded his birthright. The chiefs of Reuel in Edom indicate the organized and influential presence of Esau's lineage in this region. Historically, Edom was a significant kingdom, often ...