¿Qué habilidades son esenciales para triunfar en el mundo legal? Descúbrelo de la mano de nuestros estudiantes de #EsadeLawSchool. 🎓💡View _esade 1690 In Catalonia we don’t say Valentines Day, we say Sant Jordi, and we think that’s beautiful. Here’s why...Do you agree @...
Both Esade Business School and Esade Law School hold Institutional Accreditation from the Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency (AQU). Esade Business School stands out with the prestigious triple crown of international business school accreditations—AACSB, EQUIS, and AMBA. Esade is recognised ...
The Esade’s International Summer Programme will let you connect and make the difference. It will give you a wide overview in International Business, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Business Law and Critical Thinking. Furthermore, you will be able to choose through different electives that will help...
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Insights & knowledge by About us & contact Legal notice Cookies policy Personal data protection © 2025 Esade Business & Law School By clicking “Accept All Cookies,” you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, personalize ads based on...
Each year, more than 11,000 students participate in courses organised by three academic units: ESADE Business School, ESADE Law School and Executive Education. ESADE Alumni, an association made up of more than 60,000 ESADE graduates, maintains an international network of 72 international chapters....
IE商学院是IE学校集团下面排名最高的学院,与其平行的还有IE School of Human Science ... Law. 所以,上至商业管理,金融下至科技人文法律国际关系等等专业,都可以在IE商学院找到。 所以,IE商学院也是为数不多的几个几乎所有的硕士专业都是英文授课的高度国际化学校。最有名的专业有MBA,MIM (Master of Internation...
IE商学院是IE学校集团下面排名最高的学院,与其平行的还有IE School of Human Science ... Law. 所以...
She is currently overfeeding her curiosity with an ESADE MBA (Class of 2022) and worked in innovation and as a start-up strategic adviser, being an ambitious character that puts pen to paper, words to action, and sweat to life achievements. Weaving from law to innovation and strategy, ...
ESADE Business School is a private business school located in Barcelona, Spain. Founded in 1958, it offers both undergraduate and graduate programs. ESADE Business School is a member of the ESADE network, a global academic institution structured as a business school, a law school, and an executi...