It has become one of the world’s top global centres for management and business due to its quality education, its international focus and its holistic approach towards the development of professional and personal skills. ESADE’s alumni can be frequently found working across the globe in top-lev...
Esade BAN is focused on alumni engagement and professional development within the educational sector. The company facilitates networking, knowledge enhancement, and career advancement for its alumni community. It also contributes to societal development through management talent in solidarity projects. It is...
回国后,在shanghai参加了几场ESADE Alumni Events,感觉ESADE的校友们还是很热情,对ESADE有认同感。因为event常办在工作日晚上的关系,经常有下了班匆匆过来的,也有在国外出差回国恰好碰到过来的,还有一次某国际服装品牌的亚太区CEO是在飞机起飞前4小时特地赶过来的(老哥来的时候穿的是异常朴素.. 反倒是我们这些小生们...
!'At mile 20 I thought I was dead. At mile 22 I wished I was dead. At mile 24 I knew I was dead. At mile 26.2 I realised I had become tough to kill.' CONGRATULATIONS to all our students, ESADE Alumni, and staff who ran yesterday's Zurich Marató de Barcelona!! Very proud!
回国后,在shanghai参加了几场ESADE Alumni Events,感觉ESADE的校友们还是很热情,对ESADE有认同感。因为event常办在工作日晚上的关系,经常有下了班匆匆过来的,也有在国外出差回国恰好碰到过来的,还有一次某国际服装品牌的亚太区CEO是在飞机起飞前4小时特地赶过来的(老哥来的时候穿的是异常朴素.. 反倒是我们这些小生们...
而ESADE,好就好在于它足够灵活,12、15、18个月,任意选,exchange的学校几乎涵盖了大多数我想去的地方,可选的地方很多,另外,ESADE的文化真的很棒,alumni资源丰富且都非常容易approach,我们可以跟dean一起party跳舞,跟professor一起去la tomatina往他们脸上扔柿子。
I received so much help from ESADE alumni and admission team and gained so many insights from th...
'At mile 20 I thought I was dead. At mile 22 I wished I was dead. At mile 24 I knew I was dead. At mile 26.2 I realised I had become tough to kill.' CONGRATULATIONS to all our students, ESADE Alumni, and staff who ran yesterday's Zurich Marató de Barcelo ......
3 About ESADE Business Angels Network ESADE BAN is a business angel network promoted by ESADE Alumni's Entrepreneurs and Investors Club. Its mission is to advance entrepreneurship and investment in Spain. It fosters growth in Spain's financial fabric by recruiting, educating and co-ordinating busine...