Land use changeESA CCI-LCProtected areaGlobalProtected areas play an important role in protecting biodiversity and maintaining associated ecosystem services over the long term. In recent years, rapid expansion of agricultural land and settlement areas has occurred concurrently with significant changes in ...
ESA-CCIHistorical land changeGlobal land coverClimate changePredictive analyticsGlobal land cover (LC) mapping has been the main source of monitoring our global landscapes for a wide range of applications e.g., food production estimation, urbanization, deforestation, climate change studies, air/soil/...
Land cover changes through ESA-CCI-LC maps (2000-2015) in Ixtacamaxtitlán, PueblaItzel Arroyo OrtegaRosalia CastelanJoser Tamariz FloresVirginia Cervantes Gutierrez