欧洲航天局(ESA)WorldCover 10 m 2021产品基于Sentinel-1和Sentinel-2数据以10 m分辨率提供了2021全球土地覆盖图。WorldCover产品包含11个土地覆盖类别,与联合国粮农组织的土地覆盖分类系统一致,并在欧空局WorldCover项目框架内生成。
WorldCover 2021 v200 Validaton Report Since the WorldCover maps for 2020 and 2021 were generated with different algorithm versions (v100 and v200, respectively), changes between the maps include both changes in real land cover and changes due to the used algorithms. ...
aws s3 sync s3://esa-worldcover/v200/2021/map /local/path --no-sign-request for WorldCover 2021 v200 or aws s3 sync s3://esa-worldcover/v100/2020/map /local/path --no-sign-request for WorldCover 2020 v100 (please modify/local/pathto the desired download location) ...
In the first method, the OA of the ESA WorldCover2020 map increased from 74.4 (global accuracy) to 78.3% (local accuracy). On the other hand, the OA of the ESRI 2020 Land Cover map decreased by 16%, from 86 (global accuracy) to 74.1% (local accuracy). The kappa coefficient for ...
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aiosearch下载文件 esa下载数据,1数据介绍1.1数据简介WorldCover数据集是欧空局联合全球多家科研机构,共同制作的2020年全球10米土地覆盖产品。该数据产品分辨率为10米,是基于Sentinel-1和Sentinel-2数据进行制作。1.2地物类别每个地物类别的详细定义如下所示1.3数据精度
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ESA worldcover数据 es doc values DocValues 什么是DocValues 简单说明DocValues就是一个种列式的数据存储结构(docid、termvalues)。 倒排索引的优势在于查找包含某个项的文档,即通过Term查找对应的docid。 term的倒排 Term Doc_1 Doc_2 Doc_3 brown
This work presents a comparison between a global and a national land cover map, namely the ESA WorldCover 2020 (WC20) and the Portuguese use/land cover map (Carta de Uso e Ocupação do Solo 2018) (COS18). Such a comparison is relevant given the current amount of publicly available...