ESA CCI land cover dataNCAR CESMLand use and land cover changeClimate responseThe European Space Agency Climate Change Initiative Land Cover data (ESA CCI-LC, from 1992 to 2015) is introduced to the National Center for Atmospheric Research Community Earth System Model version 1.2.1 (NCAR CESM...
The ESA Climate Change Initiative (CCI) Land Cover dataset provides consistent global annual land cover maps at 300m spatial resolution from 1992 to 2020. The land cover classes are defined using the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization's (UN FAO) Land Cover Classification System (LCCS...
Although there are uncertainties in ESA-CCI LC maps, resulting from remote-sensing techniques such as mixed pixels, spectral similar objects, and same subject with different spectrum, the long time series and relatively high resolution of this product help us to understand the differences between ...
Here, we calculated country-level cropland areas from the annual land-cover (LC) maps produced by the European Space Agency Climate Change Initiative (ESA-CCI) project and from the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations statistical data (FAOSTAT) from 1992 to 2014. Because ...
ESA CCI-LC | Slide 7 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use CCI CCI -- Land Cover Land Cover Phase II Phase II -- Key Products Key Products Improvement of algorithms developed in Phase I for: pre-processing LC condition products Global LC Maps Water Bodies classification (300 m and 150 m ...
For each tile in the change zone, the following attributes were calculated: transition matrix between CCI-LC categories, a set of change trajectories, and a composition of plant functional types (PFTs). The result is a comprehensive but relatively compact SQL-searchable database to be used for ...
While the ESA CCI LC has been assessed globally, an evaluation against regional, independent LULC datasets is necessary to identify LULC inaccuracies in the respective region of interest and to give regional climate modelers estimates for the uncertainty in the land use forcing. In the present work...
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BOSCH REXROTH 1 827 001 604 TRUNNION BEARING FOR PRA/CCI 40/50MM, * BOSCH REXROTH 1 825 805 223 TENON ARTICULATION VERIN Bosch Rexroth 1 824 484 064 1824484064 Connection Socket NIB BOSCH REXROTH 1 822 122 024 attache verin diam 32 ...
全球250米年度城区范围产品(MGUP)基于现有的城区产品CCI-LC、MCD12Q1和GlobeCover产品经样本清洗自动化得到可靠的多时序城区样本。前言 – 人工智能教程 将全球划分为5°格网使用随机森林分类器对2001-2018年进行全球城区范围制图。经时空后处理后,得到全球250米全球年度城区范围产品MGUP。为了验证产品,在2001年至2018...