. This driver fixes problems with no sound or static or distorted sound, and can unlock advanced features of your audio device. Our archive contains Windows 7 drivers that support this device. Windows Vista and Windows XP are also supported. Matching drivers have an average rating of 4.4 out ...
Driver for Ensoniq ES1370 ES1371 AudioPCI soundcard. 上传者:weixin_42652674时间:2022-09-14 PCI声卡—ES1373&CT5880&ES1371_for_vista_win7驱动程序及声音设置 封神PCI声卡 ES1373 ES1371 CT5880 VISTA WINDOWS7驱动程序,这个在WIN7下,驱动精灵和驱动人生都搞不定的。本人找了几个小时终于回到了有声世界。
虚拟机声卡驱动、Windows 2003 系统 虚拟机声卡驱动 在虚拟机里装2003系统的声卡驱动 上传者:liu312497830时间:2010-11-21 PCI声卡—ES1373&CT5880&ES1371_for_vista_win7驱动程序及声音设置 封神PCI声卡 ES1373 ES1371 CT5880 VISTA WINDOWS7驱动程序,这个在WIN7下,驱动精灵和驱动人生都搞不定的。本人找了几个...
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