We study the intrinsic properties of attractors in the Boolean dynamics in complex network with scale-free topology, comparing with those of the so-called random Kauffman networks. We have numerically investigated the frozen and relevant nodes for each attractor, and the robustness of the attractors...
其实, 我一直都在寻觅寻觅一个依山傍水的地方,可以背靠大山,听溪水唱歌,春天里满目嫩绿,养心养眼,山雀掠水花,流水似琴音。 秋天是色彩斑斓的童话世界,天水一色,立于林下,止于溪畔,轻松自在。可能是因早年画山水画的缘故,钟情青绿山水,就成了一生的喜好,有很多这样的地方,可惜都留不住我,没有多久就少了这份宁静...
PURPOSE:To adjust the position of mounting of a leader before and behind and up and down while improving workability in an inlinable manner in the arbitrary direction of the longitudinal or horizontal direction in an excavator. CONSTITUTION:A front frame 13 is attached pivotally in front of the...
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To prevent hooking of the tip part of a lip part at an uneven surface part by a method wherein a slide jig is inserted between a flange part and the lip part and at a stage wherein the tip part of the lip part is radially slid over a slide jig and moved ...
摘要: PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To enable the prevention of infection of 0-157 bacterium by conveniently adding the subject minced marine meat material at any time to home-cooked meals such as hamburg steaks or jelly, which children like, or boiled fish pastes, which aged persons like, etc....
When the World's Population Took Off:The Springboard of the Neolithic Demographic Transition Duringhe economicransitionromoragingoarming,heignalfajor demographichiftanebserved inemetery dataf worldrchaeologicalequences.hisignal isharacterizedynbrup... Jean-Pierre - 《Science》 被引量: 186发表: ...
摘要: 美国汉学家葛浩文续写了萧红的遗作《马伯乐》。对于中国文学,萧红和葛浩文各有不同方面的贡献,而跨文化"续写"作为一种特殊的文学现象同样值得一番讨论。关键词:爱国者 跨文化 文学 DOI: CNKI:SUN:GCJZ.0.2018-28-010 年份: 2018 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 全部来源 免费下载 求助全文 维普网 知网...