Gestión de la convivencia y profesores contra corriente, ArtículoThis study has demonstrated greater efficacy of a new percutaneous amethocaine preparation relative to Eutectic Mixture of Local Anaesthetics (EMLA). Initially, a double-blinded trial was undertaken on each preparation individually ...
Seguimiento de 1991 a 2004 de la mortalidad y los factores de riesgo emergentes en una cohorte de poblacion general espanola. Estudio DRECE III (Dieta y Riesgo de Enfermedades Cardiovasculares en Espana). Rev Esp Salud Publica. 2008; 82:415-423....
for the case where cycle zero is formed by n families of m noninbred half sibs each, the ic formula, as of cycle one produces higher ic values than those produced by the previous case.doi:doi:13451Jaime Sahagún-CastellanosUniversidad Autónoma ChapingoRevista Chapingo Serie Horticultura...