qui contrastent avec l’oubli à mesure « déclaratif » [11] : il était capable d’apprendre à résoudre un labyrinthe en répétant les essais, à lire en miroir… tout comme à danser le rock sans jamais aucun souvenir de la situation d’apprentissage ; toutes les acquisitions se...
juiciest and most bountiful of projects. He could have done anything. He could have slipped into a franchise like Bond or the X-Men. He could have played it safe and made a sequel. Instead he choose to adapt the unadaptable He’d makeThe Watchmen;the labyrinthine, epic comic book that ...
Desde palabras comunes con letras mudas hasta trabalenguas que te dejan con la lengua torcida, profundizamos en los matices de la pronunciación inglesa para ayudarte a dominar las más complicadas.Sin duda, la pronunciación es uno de los aspectos más importantes del aprendizaje de un nuevo...
El año 2022 nos ha dejado locas y claro, con tanto momentazo viral, teníamos la obligación de reunirlos en una lista. ¡Prepárate porque son MUY FUERTES!
“Man’s World” makes the case for an idyllic matriarchal society, while Marina decries all manner of injustice on the pop-rock-fueled “Purge the Poison.” Overall, it’s a sharp, poignant musical manifesto that finds the musician at her most powerful lyrically and sonically. — Erica ...
“Man’s World” makes the case for an idyllic matriarchal society, while Marina decries all manner of injustice on the pop-rock-fueled “Purge the Poison.” Overall, it’s a sharp, poignant musical manifesto that finds the musician at her most powerful lyrically and sonically. — Erica ...
“Man’s World” makes the case for an idyllic matriarchal society, while Marina decries all manner of injustice on the pop-rock-fueled “Purge the Poison.” Overall, it’s a sharp, poignant musical manifesto that finds the musician at her most powerful lyrically and sonically. — Erica ...