"details": "failed to create shard, failure IOException[failed to obtain in-memory shard lock]; nested: ShardLockObtainFailedException[[item_search_1011][2]: obtaining shard lock timed out after 5000ms]; ", "last_allocation_status": "no_valid_shard_copy" }, "can_allocate": "no_valid_s...
因为kill -9重启es的方法不对,导致node下线,集群重新分配shard).This number is often zero, but can increase when Elasticsearch decides a cluster is not properly balanced,a new node is added, or a node is taken down, for example(原因).
今天ES 服务器,一致处于yellow状态,有节点带分配,看了一下ES的日志,发现LockObtainFailedException 异常,在网上看到解决方案,先close 再open,可以 解决,试了,没用。 无奈重启服务器(非线上),依然相同的错误, 无奈使出杀手锏,手动分配, curl -XPOST 'localhost:9200/_cluster/reroute' -d '{ "commands" : [ ...
因为kill -9重启es的方法不对,导致node下线,集群重新分配shard).This number is often zero, but can increase when Elasticsearch decides a cluster is not properly balanced, a new node is added, or a node is taken down, for example(原因)....
检查分片数是否分布不均匀集群中的节点分片分布不均匀,有的节点分配的 shard 过多,有的分配的 shard 少。 在ES 控制台集群详情页的集群监控>节点状态查看,具体可参见查看监控。 通过ES API,查看集群各个节点的分片个数。 GET /_cat/shards?index={index_name}&s=node,store:desc ...
7.4版本主日志报错:Unclosed object or array found或ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException 报错原因 此报错是开源Elasticsearch 7.4版本的bug导致的,不会影响业务的进行。 解决方案 此问题已经在高版本中解决,阿里云Elasticsearch的7.4版本也已经停止售卖。如果出现此类问题,建议您退订后重新按需购买高版本的集群。退订前如果需要迁...
Wed, Apr 19 2023 1:25:02 pm | index_not_found_exception: no such index [.security] Wed, Apr 19 2023 1:25:03 pm | [2023-04-19T05:25:03.583+00:00][ERROR][savedobjects-service] [.kibana_task_manager] Action failed with 'security_exception ...
"type": "query_shard_exception", "reason": "failed to create query: Cannot search on field [age] since it is not indexed.", "index_uuid": "KQNm5k-fR36fgKFoH9IC4g", "index": "student", "caused_by": { "type": "illegal_argument_exception", ...
Probably more issues to bediscovered, usually hasError: Forcing mocha to abortin description and more details in buildkite log will point tono_shard_available_action_exception After the PR was merged, multiple API tests became flaky on CI, e.g.x-pack/test/spaces_api_integration/spaces_only/api...
解决方法:(1)如果是红色的,可以直接分片shard给你认为有最新(或最多)数据的节点。见下: 摘自:https://discuss.elastic.co/t/how-to-resolve-the-unassigned-shards/87635 Use the reroute command to assign the unassigned shard to a node. If your cluster is red then you probably have primary shards ...