接着继续报错:undefined is not a function,这是因为返回的对象没有设置next方法,所以在js内部调用next的时候,为undefined,而设置了next方法之后,依然报错:Iterator result undefined is not an object,这时因为next方法需要返回一个对象,并且对象里面需要有value、done这两个属性。当这一步完成之后,一个自定义的迭代...
import fill from 'core-js-pure/actual/array/virtual/fill'; import findIndex from 'core-js-pure/actual/array/virtual/find-index'; Array(10)::fill(0).map((a, b) => b * b)::findIndex(it => it && !(it % 8)); // => 4 [!WARNING] The bind operator is an early-stage ECMA...
const obj = { foo: '123', bar: '456', } const Proxy = new Proxy(obj, { get(target, property) { console.log('实现监视逻辑'); return Reflect.get(target, property); } }) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 这也就表明在实现自定义的get或者set这样的逻辑时更标准的做法是先去...
How to ask RubyMine to use the settings from .eslintrc while formatting code? You can apply ESLint rules to be used for auto formatter, templates and so on. But, frankly, you have to know where it is. There is zero chance to actually find it if you don't know where to look...
"use-isnan": 2,//禁止比较时使用NaN,只能用isNaN() "valid-jsdoc": 0,//jsdoc规则 "valid-typeof": 2,//必须使用合法的typeof的值 "vars-on-top": 2,//var必须放在作用域顶部 "wrap-iife": [2, "inside"],//立即执行函数表达式的小括号风格 ...
:( ESLint: 9.0.0 TypeError: context.getScope is not a function Occurred while linting /my/project/path/banner.ts:13 Rule: "security/detect-child-process" at CallExpression (/my/project/path/node_modules/eslint-plugin-security/rules/detect-child-process.js:49:28) at ruleErrorHandler (/my...
function example() { return [1, 2, 3]; } let [a, b, c] = example(); 1. 2. 3. 4.3、模板字符串 传统的JavaScript语言中,输出模板经常使用的是字符串拼接的形式,这样写相当繁琐,在ES6中引入了模板字符串的概念来解决以上问题。 模板字符串是增强版的字符串,用反引号``来标识,他可以用来定义单...
// VM131:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier 'a' has already been declared // at <anonymous>:1:1 2.Const const除了具有let的块级作用域和不会变量提升外,还有就是它定义的是常量,在用const定义变量后,我们就不能修改它了,对变量的修改会抛出异常。
☑️use-isnanuse-isnandisallow comparisons with the valueNaN(recommended) ✅valid-jsdocvalid-jsdocenforce valid JSDoc comments ✅valid-typeofvalid-typeofEnsure that the results of typeof are compared against a valid string (recommended) ...
通过键,重定向属性的写入,就像为属性设置一些假名一样63static SetProxy() {64let p =newPoint(3, 8);65let pp =newProxy(p, {66set:function(target, key, value, receiver){67//Reflect.set(target, key, value[, receiver])68//target : 用于接收属性(被代理的对象)的对象69//key : 要写入的...