2,does not provide an export named 'default' After using this plugin,export defaultis lost. Good: import{useState,useContext}from"./@chunk/react.js" Bad: importReactfrom"./@chunk/react.js"^^^SyntaxError:Therequestedmodule'./@chunk/react.js'doesnotprovideanexportnamed'default' The...
Have the same issue. And then when I use--es-module-specifier-resolution=nodeit breaks CommonJS modules in the namespaced library projectSyntaxError: The requested module 'date-fns' does not provide an export named 'format' ench0 commentedon Mar 9, 2020 ...
Requested module does not provide export named 'default' I wrotea bookin which I share everything I know about how to become a better, more efficient programmer. You can use the search field on myHome Pageto filter through all of my articles. ...
// eslint.config.jsimportantfufrom'@antfu/eslint-config'exportdefaultantfu({// Type of the project. 'lib' for libraries, the default is 'app'type:'lib',// Enable stylistic formatting rules// stylistic: true,// Or customize the stylistic rulesstylistic:{indent:2,// 4, or 'tab'quotes:...
hostPath volumes are used for persistent storage. However, such volumes are node-specific. Data written into hostPath volumes may be different after a node restart.If you
importsonarjsfrom'eslint-plugin-sonarjs';exportdefault[{plugins:{sonarjs},rules:{'sonarjs/no-implicit-dependencies':'error',},},]; For ESLint 8 We include arecommended-legacyconfiguration to be backward compatible with ESLint v8, equivalent to therecommendedconfiguration for ESLint 9. ...
// eslint.config.jsimportantfufrom'@antfu/eslint-config'exportdefaultantfu() .prepend(// some configs before the main config)// overrides any named configs.override('antfu/imports', {rules: {'import/order': ['error', {'newlines-between':'always'}], } } )// rename plugin prefixes.rena...
[breaking] enable import/no-default-export rule [breaking] enable import/no-anonymous-default-export rule 5.28.0 - 2022-10-02 [deps] update eslint to version 8.24.0 [deps] update eslint-plugin-unicorn to version 44.0.0 [breaking] enable unicorn/no-document-cookie rule [breaking] enable un...
项目配置依赖: vue3.3.4 + vite4.4.11 + eslint8.46.0 报错信息 Failed to load plugin '@typescript-eslint' declared in '.eslintrc.cjs » @vue/eslint