NICE !! MOORE TOOLS LOT BORING HEAD ENDMILL TAPER HOLDERS Fanuc A06B-6089-H105 Alpha Series Servo Amplifier Unit Rev. F Moore High Accuracy Booster Relay Model 61 F Siemens / Moore Products 523T2 Nullmatic Controller Alpha Flat Cable 3580/34 Ribbon Cable 28AWG(7/36) TC 105c AWM 300 Volt...
GE燃机 IS420ESWBH3A IS420ESWBH1A涡轮工业以太网控制器 以太网交换机是基于以太网传输数据的交换机,以太网采用共享总线型传输媒体方式的局域网。以太网交换机的结构是每个端口都直接与主机相连,并且一般都工作在全双工方式。交换机能同时连通许多对端口,使每一对相互通信的主机都能像独占通信媒体那样,进行无冲突地...
The base structure was kept separate from the lamp holders so that the number of lamps could be adjusted. Four different ring structures were designed and laser-cut out of acrylic to hold the various components and to offer support. The overall height of this structure supports the lamps and ...