In medieval legal documents innuendo introduced inserted remarks, meaning “to wit” or “that is to say,” and the word was adopted with the same function into English legal usage. By the late 17th century innuendo was used to refer to the insertion itself and more broadly to any indirect...
The meaning of SQUASH is to press or beat into a pulp or a flat mass : crush. How to use squash in a sentence.
2.Distinguished or attractive:"Her forefinger tracked the cleft in his chin, and she thought how distinctive it made him look"(Joan Johnston). 3.LinguisticsPhonemically relevant and capable of conveying a difference in meaning, as nasalization in the initial sound ofmatversusbat. ...
canvas- consider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning; "analyze a sonnet by Shakespeare"; "analyze the evidence in a criminal trial"; "analyze your real motives" analyse,analyze,examine,study,canvass ...
Support for learning Spanish more easily & Translate work-related documents, voice when traveling or working abroad, get the meaning of different words in photo, signal . FEATURES • Get text translation to english from spanish and many languages over the world. ...
One report says that since the territory he found was covered with flowers, he named it Florida, meaning “Flowery” in Spanish. jw2019 I wrinkled my nose and tried not to gag as I realized I could smell the alcohol used to carry thefloweryscent. ...
(Spanish: Españ a ), officially known as the kingdom of Spain (Spanish: Reino de Españ a ), is a country in southwestern Europe, and Portugal in the Iberian Peninsula, northeastern border with France and the Principality of andorra. Its territory also includes the Mediterranean in the...
This paper gathers the results of a thorough study of verbal set phrases in Spanish, which was developed to observe this feature and for which a database of 15,300 expressions was used. It is worth noticing that, even if these phrases are fixed to different degrees, a considerable amount ...
The meaning of EMBELLISH is to make beautiful with ornamentation : decorate. How to use embellish in a sentence. Did you know? Synonym Discussion of Embellish.