Recognizing the pathological changes caused by ranaviruses, understanding how to properly collect test samples, and knowing what diagnostic tools to choose are key to detecting ranaviruses and in determining whether they are a factor in morbidity and mor
Enteroviruses pose a persistent and widespread threat to human physical health, with no specific treatments available. Small molecule capsid binders have the potential to be developed as antivirals that prevent virus attachment and entry into host cells. To aid with broad-range drug development, we...
Some users may also log in directly via OpenAthens. Please note that there are currently a number of duplicate entries in the list of institutions. We are actively working on fixing this issue and apologize for any inconvenience caused. Institution Name ...
Among the enigmas of typhus, two of the most intriguing questions are: in what cells and organs of the body does latent Rickettsia prowazekii reside during the period after recovery from the acute infection; and what factors and mechanisms are responsible for the reactivation of infection that...
1. Carte de la région du Mangoky situant les gisements à plantes fossiles (*) du Jurassique supérieur du massif Manamana (sud-ouest de Madagascar).E´ chelle: 50 km. pert (1973a, b) concernent les plantes fossiles de ces gisements se rapportant aux Ptéridophytes. En 1975, ...
La pancreatectoma con preservacin del ploro es la operacin de escogencia para la mayora de las lesiones que requieren la reseccin del rea periampular.Quarante-cinq duodnopancratectomies avec conservation du pylore ont t pratiqu...
El diseño profesional de FDSP, la fabricación profesional, la instalación profesional es un proveedor de soluciones de sistemas de fabricación para conjuntos completos de ingeniería, como maquinaria de alimentación, maquinaria de biomasa, maquina
Asimismo, se extendió grupo de pacientes que han sido y, por desgracia, en la invitación a médicos de diferentes especialida- muchos casos siguen siendo invisibles para el gremio des, como rehabilitadores, ortopedistas, cardiólo- médico. Podemos mencionar la más frecuente y mortal gos,...
C rea ct ive prote i n (CRP) increases up t o 100 or 1000 fol d dur i ng acute ti s sue injury, he nce s e r um CRP mea su r emen t s ha ve bee n use fu l in c l ini ca l e va l ua t ion o f i nfl ammat o r y d i sea se s . Si nc e the mole...
of Patho log y , Te l - Av i v, I s r a el. Ka wa saki di s e a se (KD) i s a cl i n ical p a th olog ical e n t i t y o f unknow n cause . Many investi g at o r s have pro - po s e d an i n fe c tious etiol o g y . Th e pat h o ...