Er-Zhi-WanNetwork analysisEr-Zhi-Wan (EZW), a famous traditional Chinese formulation, is used to prevent, or to treat, various liver and kidney diseases for its actions of replenishing liver and kidney. However, the mechanisms of treating Liver-kidney Yin deficiency syndrome (LKYDS) of EZW ...
Erzhi Wan (EZW), a classic Traditional Chinese Medicine formula, has shown promise as a potential therapeutic option for Alzheimer's disease (AD), yet its mechanism remains elusive. Herein, we employed an integrative in-silico approach to investigate the active components and their mechanisms again...
Erzhiwan(EZW),composed of Herba Ecliptae and Fructus Ligustri Lucidi, is a traditional Chinese herbal formula that has been used to treat menopausal syndrome for many years. We added Herba Epimedii, Radix Rehmanniae, and Fructus Corni into EZW, to prepare a new formula, termed Jiawei Erzhi...
Jiawei Erzhiwan improves menopausal metabolic syndrome by enhancing insulin secretion in pancreatic β cells 加味二脂丸通过增强胰腺β细胞胰岛素分泌改善更年期代谢综合征 相关领域 内分泌学 内科学 医学 胰岛素 去卵巢大鼠 代谢综合征 高脂血症 雌激素 碳水化合物代谢 糖尿病 脂质代谢 雌激素受体 小岛 癌症 ...
Erzhiwan (EZW), composed of Herba Ecliptae and Fructus Ligustri Lucidi, is a traditional Chinese herbal formula that has been used to treat menopausal syndrome for many years. We added Herba Epimedii, Radix Rehmanniae, and Fructus Corni into EZW, to prepare a new formula, termed Jiawei Er...
Jiawei Erzhiwan improves menopausal metabolic syndrome by enhancing insulin secretion in pancreatic β cells 来自 学术范 喜欢 0 阅读量: 57 作者:XM Wan,M Zhang,P Zhang,ZS Xie,FG Xu,P Zhou,SP Ma,XJ Xu 摘要: 摘要: 关键词: Jiawei Erzhiwan Menopausal metabolic syndrome Estrogen receptor ...
十一、阅读儿歌,完成练习。(9分)liǔ zhi er wan wan柳枝儿弯弯he bian you yi ke liǔ shu zhi er wan wan河边有一棵
1lǔzhi er wanwan 柳枝儿弯弯he bian you yi ke liu shu zhi er wanwan 河边有一棵柳树,枝儿弯弯。wen nuan de chun feng yi lu xido pao le chu shu zi b& liu shu tou fa shu de 温暖的春风一路小跑来了,拿出梳子,把柳树的头发梳得you xi you chang wen rou de chun yu pdo lai le yon...
Keywords:liquidchromatography-massspectrometry(LC-MS);pharmacokinetics;salidroside;ErzhiWan;Fructus Ligustrilucidi 1 Introduction ErzhWan,listedinChinesePharmacopoeia(2010Edi— tion)I1l,composedofFructusLigustrflucidfandHerba Ecliptae,isawel1.knowntraditionalChinesemedicinal (rl℃M)formulation,whichwasfirstrecorde...
【题目】读拼音,写词语。guan choo dun shi jian wo sh lei run you ru yue feng su mao sheng pi kai shi pu tao luan shi dao gu tie lian ben pao pan pa cheng jia bian zi ran wei kang zhengming shI yan ni yan hu ya da cang ying hu huan n liang you er bo...