How to Use Em Dashes (—), En Dashes (–) , and Hyphens (-) 'Canceled' or 'cancelled'? Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words ...
Erythrocytes Sedimentation Rate (ESR) among those measurements is a biochemical method which is commonly used. Roll formation or clustering of erythrocytes determines of sedimentation rate, and main factors affecting those events are fibrinogen, 伪 2 , 尾 and 纬 globins. Moreover, some conditions ...
Appts. for determining the rate of sedimentation of erythrocytes in blood consists of a piece of transparent flexible tube, made from a plastic material, which can be fitted on to the end of a syringe in place of the needle, and a rigid tube, which can be fitted over the flexible tube...
Appts. for determining the rate of sedimentation of erythrocytes in blood consists of a piece of transparent flexible tube, made from a plastic material, which can be fitted on to the end of a syringe in place of the needle, and a rigid tube, which can be fitted over the flexible tube...
The Sedimentation-Rate of Erythrocytes in Certain Tropical DiseasesH. B. NewhamQJM: An International Journal of Medicine
BLOOD sedimentationIMMUNOGLOBULINSERYTHROCYTESThe use of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) method has been recognized in monitoring the inflammation process, with a proven role of proinflammatory factors in the ESR increase. The aim. To reveal the role of group antibodies in...
In a previous report, Sturkie and Textor (1958) showed that the sedimentation rate was highest in adult female chickens, intermediate in capons, and lowest in males; and linear with time up to 2 hours, when the sedimentation tubes were held at a 45掳 angle. This study is concerned with ...
Factors Influencing Sedimentation Rate of Erythrocytesdoi:10.1021/ie50200a036some factors influencing sedimentationJosé ZozayaFrom Gladwyne Research Laboratories, Gladwyne, PaAmerican Chemical SocietyInd.eng.chem
Effect of sodium salicylate on the sedimentation rate of erythrocytes in vitro: Homburger, F.: Am. J. M. Sc. 210: 168, 1945doi:10.1016/0002-8703(45)90058-5NoneelsevierAmerican Heart Journal
It was shown that in the presence of ultrasound the sedimentation rate of RBC agglutinates (positive agglutination reaction) is more than an order higher than the sedimentation rate of free erythrocytes and their aggregates (negative agglutination reaction). Such a great difference in the ...