erythema migrans【医】 游走性红斑, 地图样舌 erythema chronicum migrans慢性游走性红斑 larva migrans游走性幼虫病,幼虫移行症,钩虫性匐行疹,蠕虫蚴移行症 migrans neuritis【医】 游走性神经炎 Agamonematodum migrans【医】 游走缺母小线虫 annulus migrans【医】 地图样舌 ...
erythema migrans是什么意思 [医] 游走性红斑,地图样舌 erythema migrans英英释义 noun a red spreading annular skin lesion that is an early symptom of Lyme disease and that develops at the site of the bite of a tick (such as the deer tick) infected with the causative spirochete ...
The meaning of ERYTHEMA MIGRANS is a red spreading annular skin lesion that is an early symptom of Lyme disease and that develops at the site of the bite of a tick (such as the deer tick) infected with the causative spirochete.
erythema migrans 英文erythema migrans 中文【医】 游走性红斑, 地图样舌
erythemamigrans网络游走性红斑;游走性皮肤红疹;移行红斑 网络释义 1. 游走性红斑 ...表徵 临床表徵 2 2 第一期〈局部感染〉 – 游走性红斑(Erythema migrans):蜱咬后3~30 日出现,其特徵为红斑性丘疹环状且 …|基于29个网页 2. 游走性皮肤红疹 ...诊於高医感染内科,吾人怀疑为莱姆病之早期...
erythema migransAlso found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Financial, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Related to erythema migrans: erythema multiformeerythema mi·grans (mī′grənz) n. An annular skin lesion characteristic of Lyme disease, consisting of a red, raised border surrounding the site of a tick bite...
解析 慢性游走性红斑是莱姆病的主要临床特征,表现为在蜱叮咬处发生斑疹或丘疹,数天或数周内向周围扩散形成一个大的圆形或椭圆形充血性皮损,外缘呈鲜红色,中心部渐趋苍白,有的中心部可有水疱或坏死,亦有显著充血和皮肤变硬者。慢性游走性红斑可发生在身体任何部位。
临床表现 游走性红斑,既往称为慢性游走性红斑,常为莱姆病(布氏疏螺旋体)的早期皮肤表现,表现为一个...
慢性游走性红斑(erythemachronicummigrans;ECM) 正确答案 慢性游走性红斑是莱姆病的主要临床特征,表现为在蜱叮咬处发生斑疹或丘疹,数天或数周内向周围扩散形成一个大的圆形或椭圆形充血性皮损,外缘呈鲜红色,中心部渐趋苍白,有的中心部可有水疱或坏死,亦有显著充血和皮肤变硬者。慢性游走性红斑可发生在身体任何部位。
Erythema migrans (EM) must be distinguished from other entities including streptococcal and staphylococcal cellulitis, hypersensitivity reactions to arthropod bites, plant dermatitis, tinea, and granuloma annulare. Although EM lesions may be pruritic or painful, these complaints are generally mild. Central...