Pyogenic arthritis, PG, acne, and suppurative hidradenitis (PA-PASH) syndrome has also been described, and PG, acne, and suppurative hidradenitis (PASH) syndrome has been reported with PSTPIP1 mutations as well. The TNF-receptor–associated periodic syndrome (TRAPS) is similar to FMF but shows...
Clinically, the typical lesion of the EM is the target lesion, described as a rounded lesion that is regular with three concentric circles and a well-defined border. The peripheral ring is erythematous, sometimes microvesicular; the middle zone is often clearer, oedematous, and palpable, and th...
This case could conceivably be consistent with a diagnosis of Rowell's syndrome, if the latter is regarded as a clinicopathological spectrum. However, the coexistence of LE, persistent EM-like disease and incomplete APS may also fulfil the diagnostic criteria for the 'multiple autoimmune syndromes'...
Palpable arciform migratory erythema of Clark (PAME) has been described as a rare member in the group of T-cell pseudolymphoma. The clinical picture of infiltrated annular erythema developing into large migrating lesions with the trunk as predilection site is distinctive from other pseudolymphomas. ...
Erythema multiforme (EM), in its modern definition, is an acute, self-limited syndrome with distinctive skin lesions with or without mucosal lesions. Use of the terminology "EM minor" and "EM major" is a reasonable approach to separating the classical mild cutaneous syndrome, as described by ...
Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Related to linear gingival erythema:necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis gin·gi·val (jĭn′jə-vəl, jĭn-jī′-) adj. 1.Of or relating to the gums. 2.LinguisticsAlveolar. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 20...
A rare form of erythema is the radiation recall during BRAF inhibitors. No case series have been described so far. It appears as an acute inflammatory reaction confined to previously irradiated areas. This “Picasso-like” reaction draws the area of the skin that perfectly reproduces the ...
(ESR). In all instances, surgical treatment of the dental foci and/or administration of antibiotics rapidly led to the regression of the erythema nodosum, as well as to the normalization of body temperature and ESR. The cases described indicate that antecedent dental treatment and the possible ...
Erythema marginatum is reactive inflammatory erythema seen most commonly in association with acute rheumatic fever. Although a rare cutaneous manifestation, it is of utmost diagnostic value for acute rheumatic fever as well as other rare disorders. It can be described as an evanescent, blanchable, no...
unless the underlying cause is removed, the disorder frequently recurs as soon as medication is discontinued. Cases with onset during theneonatal periodor early infancy and persistence into adulthood have been described (Fig. 20.41).181,182The eruption in these cases clears with febrile episodes or...