StrangeReal世界地图,Erusea所在的Usea大陆是最小的大陆。因此该国虽然实力较强,但肯定无法和Osea还有Yuktobania这种超级大国相匹敌。 如上所述,艾尔吉亚拥有一支强大的、足以和Usea大陆其他国家综合相匹敌的武装力量,而海军则是艾尔吉亚武装力量的一个重要分支,在2003年的大陆战争、2019年的灯塔战争中发挥了重要作用,...
Painted the painting of Erusean air force for the Skin 2 of MiG-35D; fictionalized an Erusean ace pilot of the lighthouse war named “Strizhi”. Share Requirements Permissions and credits Painted the painting of Erusean air force for the Skin 2 of MiG-35D; fictionalized an Erusean ace...
Erusean Air Forces Redux info Join the Beta to test our latest design updates.Find out more. Join Beta close Endorsements 11 Unique DLs -- Total DLs -- Total views -- Version v1.0 Download: Manual 78 items Last updated 24 March 20241:48PM...
With the Adoption of the F-15E Strike Eagle in the early 1990s into the Erusean Air Force, also saw a strategic shift toward multirole airpower for the country as well. Tasked with both air superiority and precision strike missions, the 171st TFS would quickly prove to be a force ...
One of the last active duty F-4E Phantom II Squadrons in the Erusean Air Force, their technological disadvantage did not bother the pilots of Glamrock at all. Viewing themselves as some of the last cowboys left of a world that long since forgotten when dogfighting was guns and heaters ...
Ace Combat..344th Tactical Fighter Squadron "Bold Tigers" F-16C Block 50 Fighting FalconDCSworld:F16C Block50 涂装;作者:BillyTheKid
万代南梦宫日前为《皇牌空战7:未知空域》DLC#4“不速之客”公布了官方预告片,该DLC已于今日推出,平台为PS4/Xbox One/PC。 来自万代南梦宫对该DLC的介绍: SP任务01:不速之客 Artiglio港发现了一艘巨大的Erusean潜艇。这艘潜艇于四年前下水,但在一次海上试航中失踪。两年后它在海底被发现。大部分船员幸存下来并...
Play as an Erusean pilot against the invading Oseans. It's time to burn the Oseans to the ground and reclaim the land for King and country. Share Permissions and credits All NPCs are reversed. You are now an Erusean, and your enemies are Osean forces occupying Western Usea.New ...
At a base nestled deep within Erusea’s arid and treacherous desert terrain lies the 45th Fighter Squadron ‘Desert Vipers’. Flying the venerable F-2A, the 45th FS is renowned for its mastery of desert warfare, low-altitude dogfighting and precision strike operations. Formed at the height...
F/A-18C Hornet of the Erusean Navy VFA-104 Gryphons operating off the carrier E.N.S Freyja If there are any issues with the livery, post a comment down below & I will try to get it resolved ASAP. This livery is heavily based on the artwork of user Jetfreak-7 on DeviantArt tit...