If using API, add 'verbose': True to YoutubeDL params instead Copy the WHOLE output (starting with [debug] Command-line config) and insert it below Complete Verbose Output $ yt-dlp -vU https://www.ertflix.gr/vod/vod.232916-tsarli-1 [debug] Command-line config: ['-vU', 'https:/...
Series Producer,CPL PRODS. "A League Of Their Own" SKY1 “Guys, watching this makes me proud to be associated with you.” TOM DOOLEY Executive Producer,OUTDOOR CHANNEL “It was a beautiful show. Thank you for all the hard work. Let’s do it again next year!” ...
ERROR: Unsupported URL:https://webtv.ert.gr/ert-sports-live/ Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\dst\AppData\Roaming\Build archive\youtube-dl\ytdl-org\tmp3 78onz6j\build\youtube_dl\YoutubeDL.py", line 797, in extract_info File "C:\Users\dst\AppData\Roaming\Build ...