加参数 errors='coerce' 后,再次运行: 此时把不合法的 时间数据 转化成了 NaT
换句话说,传递任何串除了字符串raise,ignore对errors参数的pd.to_numeric相当于errors='coerce'。 这是功能还是错误? Chr*_*ris5 AFAIK,鉴于源代码,这是预期的行为: # pandas/core/tools/numeric.py...coerce_numeric = errorsnotin("ignore","raise")# line 147... ...
importpandasaspd# next line OKdate=pd.to_datetime("Wed, 1 Dec 2021 08:00:00 -0600 (CST)",errors='coerce',utc=True,format='mixed')# next line raises Exception -> AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'total_seconds'date=pd.to_datetime("Sun, 14 Apr 2024 20:00:00 +020...
Detect wrong dates in Pandas - errors='coerce' First we will try to detect the wrong date of time format by using the date parameter -errors='coerce'. So after looking at the data we know that column "Time" has the following format:'%H:%M:%S'. Now we can try to parse all times ...
blakebjornreferenced this issue in blakebjorn/pandasSep 26, 2017 Fix: Raise exception when errors="coerce" would cause uint64 and NaNs… d6f646e I think the biggest point of confusion is that there is no exception raised when errors="coerce" and it fails to coerce anything. As this is ...
result = to_datetime(values, errors='coerce', unit='s', cache=cache) expected = DatetimeIndex(['NaT','NaT','NaT','NaT','NaT']) tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)withpytest.raises(tslib.OutOfBoundsDatetime): to_datetime(values, errors='raise', unit='s', cache=cache)# if we ...
Code Sample, a copy-pastable example if possible import pandas as pd pd.to_numeric([-47393996303418497800, 'string'], errors='coerce') Output: array([-47393996303418497800, 'string'], dtype=object) Problem description to_numeric is silen...
Name: dt_col, dtype: int64 pd.to_datetime(dt_col, format='%Y%m%d', errors='coerce') 0 2018-12-23 1 2016-10-17 2 NaT 3 2017-12-20 4 2017-05-11 Name: dt_col, dtype: datetime64[ns] Pandas version: pandas==0.25.1 Is anyone else seeing the same behavior?Contributor...