应用程序运行一段时间。 在此方案中,你会收到0x6 ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE错误。 如果调用任何使用事务管理器的加密 API(如CryptGetKeyParam()和CryptGetUserKey()),在释放上下文的另一个调用之前,会出现此问题。 ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE错误不会立即出现。 线程遇到同步问题需要时间,具体取决于负载。 原因...
When I run the application like "program.exe folder_to_find >> result.txt" it fails with error 6 (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) returned FindNextFileA (even without recursive call on big folders). E.g. it could find first 150 files in the folder instead of existing 240 ones. voidFindFiles(co...
BOOL WINAPI WinHttpAddRequestHeaders( _In_ HINTERNET hRequest, _In_ LPCWSTR pwszHeaders...
I'm trying to create a wgl context according to the tutorial athttps://www.khronos.org/opengl/wiki/Creating_an_OpenGL_Context_(WGL). For whatever reason,wglCreateContextreturnsnull, andGetLastErrorreturns6, or Invalid Handle. I have used the tutorial before, and it worked just fine. ...
错误代码 6,“句柄无效”,调试检查hFile 句柄,确实有效。 在PC上工作正常的代码,移植到PDA上会出现这个问题,相当的难受人,唯一的在一个E文网站看到一篇文章有说到,CE,和PPC上不能用CreateFile()得到的句柄作为CreateFileMapping()的输入,该怎么解决却没有看到下文。
Expected Behavior I want to choose clips randomly from a directory and then concatenate them into a compilation. My code works fine a random number of times before inevitably failing with a WinError 6 seen below. Actual Behavior Tracebac...
OSError: [WinError 6] The handle is invalid It means curio.run_in_process() doesn't work on windows. Afraid I have no idea what is going on here, opening the _handle from a multiprocessing.Pipe() on windows seems to be a no-no. ...
If you are running your SAS Metadata Server as a service on a Microsoft Windows platform, you might observe the following error in the Windows Event Viewer when you stop the service: SAS Error Event: Error sending status, 1, to SCM. Error 6: The handle is invalid. The server will ...
wglShareLists失败,错误6:ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE句柄无效 | 我尝试在两个类(TGLForm和TGLForm2)之间共享HPBUFFERARB。 (我尝试过FBO,但是使用的旧版Borland Builder 6无法使用FBO进行管理) 我的目标是在两个openGL窗口中显示相同的缓冲区。 所以我在第一个Form之外声明了这个对象:...