Currently, I have the following simple Flask + Nginx web application. Dockerfile FROM tiangolo/uwsgi-nginx-flask:python3.6-alpine3.7 # Install the required packages RUN pip install celery COPY . /app main.py import json import os from fl...
Writing to the end of a file with CreateFile wstring to lpwstr xkeycheck.h and macro defined keywords XRANDR for Windows XSD : error : The CodeDom provider type "Microsoft.VisualC.CppCodeProvider, CppCodeProvider could not be located. XSD : error : The CodeDom provider type "Microsoft.Visual...
configure/etc/hostsand NIS to return the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) as the primary host name. Of course, you can still define and use the short alias name, for example, myhost.dom.com myhost.
I was previously on kombu 4.3.0 and redis 2.10.6, and after upgrading to kombu 4.4.0 and redis 3.2.0 (manually cf issue #1016 ) I noticed an issue on one of my Django REST endpoint: OperationalError: Error 32 while writing to socket. Bro...
• Error number: 1190; Symbol: ER_SOURCE_NET_WRITE; SQLSTATE: 08S01 Message: Net error writing to source ER_SOURCE_NET_WRITE was added in 8.0.33. • Error number: 1191; Symbol: ER_FT_MATCHING_KEY_NOT_FOUND; SQLSTATE: HY000 Message: Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column ...
When i try to launch the remote control with TightVNC, I get the "ReadExact : Socket error while reading" or "WriteExact : Socket error while writing" message, and I can't take the control of the remote host.What can i do ?Try IDEAL Administration during
to provide service. Jun 14 02:43:13 node1 corosync[4659]: cman killed by node 2 because we were killed by cman_tool or other application Jun 14 02:42:46 node2 qdiskd[8000]: Writing eviction notice for node 1 Jun 14 02:42:51 node2 qdiskd[8000]: Node 1 evicted Jun 14 02:43...
If you don’t want to share it here, you can send it privately to us over DM or tobuild@smartthings.com. schwark(schwark)September 2, 2022, 2:30am7 It is not the call to tcp:receive, that is the issue. It is the DATA being read from the socket… I will send the entire data ...
_read_from_buffer(pos) return if self.closed(): self..._state == ioloop.IOLoop.ERROR: if self.closed(): self...gen_log.warning("Got events for closed stream %s", fd) return try: ..._handle_read() state = self.io_loop.ERROR if self.reading():...() except (socket....