CorelDRAW安装时提示:Error 1304 . Error writing to file policy . 18.0 . Core.Interop . VGCore.dll. Verify that you have access to that directory. 问题原因:.net无法安装 解决方案: 1.下载DirectXRepair工具,选择适用于自己电脑系统的版本 2.打开【工具】-【选项】-【实验室】-勾选【c++强力修复】-【...
帮助中心 CorelDRAW安装提示:Error 1722.There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. 问题原因:安全软件阻止 解决方案: 1、卸载安全软件 2、联系设备IT人员,允许软件的授权 3、点击”开始“-”运行“或者(或键盘win+r),输入%temp% 返回上一级文件夹,右击”Temp“查看属性-安全 ...
You can read all about it at: How to prevent the "Switch To" or "Application Busy" error messages using OLE Automation Whether or not you are capable of writing some code to fix it is another thing altogether. The original 'fix' that started this huge thread on...
One of the visitors of this site reported the following error printing from Corel Draw to a Xitron RIP: %%[ Error: undefined; OffendingCommand: -0,00709 ]%%. The number in the offending command uses a comma instead of a decimal point. Since PostScript requires the use of decimal points, ...
So often the people writing articles like this are clueless and do more harm than good. Fortunately this guy is good! And I agree with him about Spinrite. It is close to magic. Back when 40 MB drives cost more than computers do now I used it on every system I put together. ...
# Set these to true to force use of libtiff for reading or writing. READ_LIBTIFF = False Gives this: *** TiffImageFile._open *** - __first: 8 - ifh: b'II*\x00\x08\x00\x00\x00' Seeking to frame 0, on frame -1, __next 8, location: 8 Loading tags, location: 8 tag: New...
You can read all about it at: How to prevent the "Switch To" or "Application Busy" error messages using OLE Automation Whether or not you are capable of writing some code to fix it is another thing altogether. The original 'fix' that started this huge thread on...
Microsoft Visual C++ 200832位下载|64位下载 方案二: 1.下载DirectXRepair工具,选择适用于自己电脑的DirectXRepair工具,打开【工具】-【选项】-【实验室】-勾选【c++强力修复】-【确定】,修复完成后重新安装即可。 注意:若上述步骤操作后依然提示该报错,则需要重装系统...
问题原因:文件夹已存在 解决方案: 1、根据提示找到路径:C:\ProgramData\Corel 将对应的Messages文件夹删除后重新安装即可。 2、如遇到无法删除的情况,可以看下当前登录的账户是否是管理员账户,或者使用第三方工具强力删除。(以腾讯管家举例)
CorelDRAW安装提示:Error 1406 问题原因:权限问题 解决方案:点击[忽略],继续安装即可