exit code 137 是一个在 Unix-like 系统(如 Linux 和 macOS)中常见的进程退出代码,通常表示进程由于收到了 SIGKILL 信号而被强制终止。SIGKILL 是一个无法被捕获、阻塞或忽略的信号,通常用于立即终止进程。以下是对该问题的详细分析和解答: 1. 识别错误代码 exit code 137:表示进程被 SIGKILL 信号终止。 2. 分...
一、问题原因 jenkins编译的时候报错:ERROR: Maven JVM terminated unexpectedly with exit code 137,因为maven设置的内存不足, 二、问题解决方法一 1、找到linux中maven安装目录 [root@]# whereis mvn 编辑mvn文件 [root@]# vim mvn 2、在mvn配置文件中添加 MAVEN_OPTS="$MAVEN_OPTS -Xms256m -Xmx512m -XX...
一、问题原因 jenkins编译的时候报错:ERROR: Maven JVM terminated unexpectedly with exit code 137,因为maven设置的内存不足, 二、问题解决方法一 1、找到linux中maven安装目录 [root@]# whereis mvn 编辑mvn文件 [root@]# vim mvn 2、在mvn配置文件中添加 MAVEN_OPTS="$MAVEN_OPTS -Xms256m -Xmx512m -XX...
My whole system actually visually freezes while running astro build, and then the process is killed with a 137 error. nolanlawson mentioned this issue Sep 23, 2023 Error with exit code 137 ("Killed") when having too many images #8653 Closed 1 task ...
报错:error Command failed with exit code 137 环境说明 首先说明报错环境,大致如下: 原因及解决思路 引起这个报错的具体原因其实是Drone编译项目时需要的内存容量超过了Docker默认分配的512mb容量,一句话就是:容器内存爆掉了!!所以解决办法就是扩大Drone内存!
Noticed the errorcommand terminated with exit code 137when themysqldumpcommand is executed. Following events were noticed in the sso-mysql pod Raw Events: FirstSeen LastSeen Count From SubObjectPath Type Reason Message --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 48m 48m 1 kubelet, nodeX.examp...
The terminal process "dotnet 'build', '/property:GenerateFullPaths=true', '/consoleloggerparameters:NoSummary'" terminated with exit code: 1. Terminal will be reused by tasks, press any key to close it. I have already tried to delete my project's bin and obj folders on my Mac but the ...
jenkins 启动mvn项目报错:ERROR: Maven JVM terminated unexpectedly with exit code 137 机器内存不足导致!!!
org.apache.commons.exec.ExecuteException: Process exited with an error: 137 (Exit value: 137) -> [Help 1] [ERROR] [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch. [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging. [...
ERROR: Maven JVM terminated unexpectedly with exit code 137 阿里云虚拟内存设置 jenkens构建项目报错ERROR: Maven JVM terminated unexpectedly with exit code 137 原因是虚拟内存不足,阿里云默认是不开启虚拟内存,要新增虚拟内存看这篇博文就可以了 https://my.oschina.net/u/2306127/blog/657269...