ERROR_WINHTTP_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED 错误 1. 错误含义 ERROR_WINHTTP_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED 是一个在使用 WinHTTP 函数时可能遇到的错误代码,表示无法解析指定的主机名。这通常发生在尝试通过 WinHTTP 接口建立网络连接时,DNS(域名系统)无法将提供的主机名解析为有效的 IP 地址。
To view the WinHTTP error codes, see Error Messages. For example, error code 12007 maps to the following error description: ERROR_WINHTTP_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED 12007 The server name cannot be resolved Converted error codes that begin with 8009 are typically CryptoAPI error codes, such as ...
WU_E_PT_HTTP_STATUS_DENIED 0x80244017 与HTTP 状态 401 相同 - 请求的资源需要用户身份验证。 WU_E_PT_HTTP_STATUS_FORBIDDEN 0x80244018 与HTTP 状态 403 相同 - 服务器了解请求,但拒绝满足请求。 WU_E_PT_HTTP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND 0x80244019
ERROR_WINHTTP_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED 12007 No se puede resolver el nombre del servidor. ERROR_WINHTTP_NOT_INITIALIZED 12172 Obsoleto; ya no se usa. ERROR_WINHTTP_OPERATION_CANCELLED 12017 La operación se canceló, normalmente porque el identificador en el que estaba funcionando la solicitud...
To view the WinHTTP error codes, see Error Messages. For example, error code 12007 maps to the following error description: ERROR_WINHTTP_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED 12007 The server name cannot be resolved Converted error codes that begin with 8009 are typically CryptoAPI error codes, such as ...
Restart Edge and check if the error is resolved. Check for Windows Updates Sometimes, a Windows update can include fixes for issues causing the error: PressWin + Ito openSettings. Go toUpdate & Security>Windows Update. ClickCheck for updatesand install any available updates. ...
Edit* even when not connected to the internet the error occurs. GetCACaps Method: GET(16ms)Stage: GetCACapsThe server name or address could not be resolved 0x80072ee7 (WinHttp: 12007 ERROR_WINHTTP_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED) I can't find any solutions to this issue online.There ...
Invalid server name "__". SSIS service does not support multi-instance, use just server name instead of "server name\instance". 0xC0008445 -1073707963 DTS_E_SCRIPTMIGRATIONFAILED64BIT Migration for VSA scripts can not be done on 64 bit platforms due to lack of Visual Tools for Applications...
ERROR_WINHTTP_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED 12007 The server name cannot be resolved. ERROR_WINHTTP_NOT_INITIALIZED 12172 Obsolete; no longer used. ERROR_WINHTTP_OPERATION_CANCELLED 12017 The operation was canceled, usually because the handle on which the request was operating was closed before the ...
To view the WinHTTP error codes, see Error Messages. For example, error code 12007 maps to the following error description: ERROR_WINHTTP_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED 12007 The server name cannot be resolved Converted error codes that begin with 8009 are typically CryptoAPI error codes, such as ...