在Java网络编程中,遇到“error while sending response to client: java.io.IOException: Broken pipe”这个错误通常意味着在尝试向客户端写入数据时,连接已经被客户端关闭或者中断了。以下是对这个问题的详细分析和解决策略: 1. "java.io.IOException: Broken pipe"错误的含义 这个错误表明,在TCP连接中,尝试写入数据...
zuul post Error while sending response to client: java.io.IOException: Broken pipe 1. 这个异常信息通常出现在使用Zuul进行POST请求时,当向客户端发送响应时出现了断开连接的情况。 问题分析 为了更好地理解这个问题,让我们来分析一下整个流程。下面是一个简化的Zuul POST请求的流程示意图: StartZuulPreFilterRou...
Logging onto vSphere Client using the vCenter Server shortname results in the following error: [400] An error occurred while sending an authentication request to the vCenter Single Sign-On server- An error occurred when processing meta data during vCenter Single Sign-On setup:the service provider...
It is not easy to reproduce this error. I tried to reproduce it from local machine by sending events every x seconds (1, 10, 60, 300, 1800). I have reproduced it only twice using 1800 secs delay between two events. However often, even for 1800 it was working fine. After enabling DE...
I get an issue when I press button "Send file as email attachment". An error says "an error occurred while sending mail".I want to attach into Outlook. Unfortunately, I have not found a solution on the Internet.I tried: 1.Checked if outlook is setted as default email. Yes, it is ...
When I try to send an email attachment from within adobe by using the envelope icon I get "an error occurred while sending mail". I have uninstalled and reinstalled both Adobe Acrobat and MS Outlook. I have turned off "Enable Enhanced Security". Outlook is set as...
Logging to vCenter Server via vSphere Client results in the following error: [400] An error occurred while sending an authentication request to the vCenter Single Sign-On server - An error occured when processing metadata during vCenter single sign on setup - null ...
The request packet entered the network layer of the operating system from the Chat SDK sending queue but timed out while waiting for a response packet from the server. This usually occurs when the local network is restricted or disconnected or the local network and the Chat SDK backend are not...
A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket is not connected and (when sending on a datagram socket using sendto) no address was supplied. Any other type of operation might also return this error—for example, setsockopt setting SO_KEEPALIVE if the connection has been...
A socket server is established using Java Non-blocking I/O (NIO). When the client is shut down unexpectedly rather than sending a specified notification to instruct the s