I set the test up to run against 2 instances of chrome and each time the test is fired it spins up 2 instances of chrome and runs about 4 tests before it crashes with the error message as: "There has been an error while loading the running and queued Sessions from the Grid. Unexpecte...
Kafka启动报错:ERROR Error while loading log dir /tmp/kafka-logs (kafka.log.LogManager) java.io.IOException: Invalid argument at java.io.RandomAccessFile.setLength(Native Method) at kafka.log.AbstractIndex.$anonfun$resize$1(AbstractIndex.scala:189) at kafka.log.AbstractIndex.resize(AbstractIndex.s...
WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR 错误检查的值为 0x00000124,表明发生了致命的硬件错误。 此错误检查使用 Windows 硬件错误体系结构 (WHEA) 提供的错误数据。 若要识别错误的特定原因,通常需要了解WHEA_ERROR_RECORD结构。 有关详细信息,请参阅本文的备注部分。
TppWorkerThread+0x8d0 28 : KERNEL32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x14 29 : ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21 This issue is because of the mpssvc service, which is a component of the Windows Firewall. The problem was repaired by disabling the firewall temporarily and then resetting...
The default maximum connections to HiveServer are 200. When the number of connections exceeds 200, Beeline reports error "Failed to execute session hooks: over max connec
ExecutorWorkerThreadExc 101230 SchedulerQueueWorkItemWrongContext 101231 SchedulerAppTurnsStopped_2 101232 ExecutorProcessingError 101233 GatewayBase 101300 GatewayClientOpenedSocket 101301 GatewayClientClosedSocket 101302 GatewayDroppingClient 101303 GatewayTryingToSendToUnrecognizedClient 101304 GatewayByte...
I'll update this issue (or, if you prefer, file a separate one) if I manage to find a clean repro, but I thought I'd just share the info while I'm here. commentedMar 23, 2023 The worker thread should terminate gracefully with ERR_WORKER_OUT_OF_MEMORY: ...
The root cause of stop errors is rarely a user-mode process. While a user-mode process (such as Notepad or Slack) may trigger a stop error, it's usually exposing the underlying issue in a driver, hardware, or operating system.
Error while updating certificates using daemon [ERROR] rhsmcertd-worker:21003:MainThread @rhsmcertd-worker:150 - Network error code: 400 yum コマンドが失敗し、Network error code: 400と表示されます。 Raw # yum repolist Loaded plugins: product-id, security, subscription-manager ...
vue-cli 使用 wokrer-loader 加载 web woker 时,使用 npm run build 有很大机率会打包失败,报错如上。 thread-loader 与 worker-loader 有冲突 。 3、解决方案 vue.config.js 配置 parallel: false 。构建正式环境关闭 thread-loader 。 最后再 npm run build 重新执行一遍打包命令就 OK 啦~...