当你在使用Visual Studio Code (VSCode) 时遇到 "error while fetching extensions failed to fetch" 的问题,这通常是由于网络连接、VSCode设置或缓存问题导致的。以下是一些解决步骤,你可以按照这些步骤逐一尝试来解决问题: 检查网络连接: 确保你的设备已连接到互联网,并且网络连接稳定。 尝试访问其他网站或服务以验...
在Linux系统上下载安装好vscode以后,发现扩展里面无法下载安装,报错:Error while fetching extensions : XHR failed 解决办法:修改 hosts 文件 1.sudo cp /etc/hosts /etc/hosts.bak 2.sudo vi /etc/hots 3.在文件末尾增加下面的文字,然后保存,关闭 4.刷新DNS,Ubuntu22的命令是:resolvectl flush-caches # VSCode...
来源:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70177216/visual-studio-code-error-while-fetching-extensions-xhr-failed/70294449#70294449 1、so i find this press f1 search user setting click enter search on user setting " proxy " click enter look for "use the proxy support for extensions." change overi...
如何关闭代理,vscode常见错误Error while fetching extensions,本视频由liyunpeng11114提供,0次播放,好看视频是由百度团队打造的集内涵和颜值于一身的专业短视频聚合平台
CODE,代理的关闭步骤如下:右键点击电脑右下角的网络图标 2. 关闭代理
I have two machines (Windows-10 and Fedora-38), each with VScode running on it. When Private Internet Access (PIA) VPN is disabled on the Linux machine, VScode can access the extensions marketplace. When PIA is enabled, I get: "Error while fetching extensions. XHR failed". ...
Footer © 2025 GitHub, Inc. Footer navigation Terms Privacy Security Status Docs Contact Manage cookies Do not share my personal information Extensions service down: "Error while fetching extensions. XHR failed" · Issue #222143 · microsoft/vscode...
若不矫正会带来哪些问题? 284 万热度 4 一块吧唧被炒到 7 万多,「谷子」为什么令无数年轻人疯狂?冲出二次元的「谷子」2025年将会走向何方? 119 万热度 查看更多 AI 总结 大佬们求解“error while fetching extensions.XHR failed”? 已引用 8 位答主的内容 查看AI 回答 赞同 1 ...
"Error while fetching extensions, XHR failed" When I toggle the developer options and check the console it says net::ERR_PROXY_CONNECTION_FAILED And as you can imagine, since I'm asking this, it means I've tried most of the options I could find on stack overflow and otherwise ...
【VSCode报错】 Error while fetching extensions : XHR failed 问题描述:如题目 问题解决:关掉代理,网络-代理-禁用,再重启 轩中一人,名为萧百,意为小白。