1. 第一步,安装需要的 SDK ,如果是运行 Harmony OS 应用程序,就选择 HarmonyOS,像你这种是打算运行 OpenHarmony 模块,所以下拉下载对应的 API 版本即可。 2. 第二步,到需要运行的模块下,配置 build-profile.json5 对应的目标即可。 没错,就是这个 runtimeOS, 如果模块是 OpenHarmony 就填写 OpenHarmony, 如果...
方案1:将config.json中的apiVersion->releaseType删除掉(很神奇:releaseType是创建工程自带的配置信息,竟然会报错),如下图: 方案2:升级最新版IDE(我本地IDE仅支持SDK3和4版本,目前最新的SDK是5了) 问题总结 我这边IDE版本是2.1 beta2。 使用本地IDE,重新创建项目,无论选择SDK3还是4,都会报Failure[INSTALL_PARS...
This issue occurs because the Spooler service uses the Firewallapi.dll file to make an API call to check the availability of the Windows Firewall service. If sharing is being performed for the first time, the following incoming rules are enabled during this process: ...
This article provides a solution to an error 0x000006D9 when you try to share a printer on a computer.Applies to: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 Original KB number: 2123653SymptomsWhen you try to share a printer on a computer that is running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2, ...
在某些情况下,通过 Word JavaScript API 使用内容控件的外接程序可能会显示“RichApi.Error: NotImplemented”错误。 这是在 2023 年 8 月 10 日 Office.js 更新后首次注意到的,尤其是在 MacOS (内部版本 16.76) 上。 原因 ContentContro...
int dsmi_get_device_errorcode(int device_id, int *errorcount, unsigned int *perrorcode) Description Obtains the error code of a device. AI Servers are supported. Parameters Parameter Input/Output Description device_id Input Device ID ranging from 0 to 7, which can be obtained by callin...
int dsmi_get_device_errorcode(int device_id, int *errorcount, unsigned int *perrorcode) Description Obtains the error code of a device. AI Servers are supported. Parameters Parameter Input/Output Description device_id Input Device ID ranging from 0 to 7, which can be obtained by callin...
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