Connection Error Error when opening an RFC connection (CPIC-CALL: 'ThCPICArgs' Illegal CONVID ). ERROR: hostname ‘hostname’ unknown LOCATION: SAP-Server <server_name>_<SID>_<nr> on host < server_name> (wp <nr>) DETAIL: NiPGetHostByAddr: ‘hostname’ not found Error Details CALL: ...
RFC call; Error when opening an RFC connection (CPIC-CALL: 'ThSAPOCMINIT', communication rc: CM_PRODUCT_SPECIFIC_ERROR (cmRc=20); SM58; Connection Test; niping -v -H; Lookup of IP-Addr; NiAddrToHost; /etc/hosts; CALL_FUNCTION_SEND_ERROR; Finished status; asynchronous; CALL FUNCTION ST...
2173569 - Error when opening an RFC connection 问题: Environment SAP Release Independent. Reproducing the Issue Execute a transport tools check; Refresh the transport queue. Cause Problem with tp; Parameter rfc/use_gwstart not set to 1. Resolution Make sure tp is updated to the latest version ...
Check has not been executed due to communication failure: Error when opening an RFC connection (CPIC-CALL: 'ThSAPOCMINIT', communication rc: CM_ALLOCATE_FAILURE_RETRY (cmRc=2)). You must be a registered user to add a comment. If you've already registered, sign in. Otherwise, register an...
Error when opening an RFC connection (LB : Hostname or service of the messa Former Member on 2012 Feb 14 0 Kudos 7,084 SAP Managed Tags: BW (SAP Business Warehouse) Hi All, Im trying to transport datasources in BW, they are 7.x RSDS datasources. but we did not change...
Error when opening an RFC connection (CPIC-CA LL: 'ThSAPOCMINIT', communication rc: CM_ALLOCATE_ FAILURE_RETRY (cmRc=2)). RFC CallReceive error <Function /SAPDS/RFC_ABAP_INSTALL_RUN: RFC_ABAP_MESSAGE- Exception condition "SERVER_NOT_REGISTERED" ...
ERPfailure:Errorwhen opening an RFC connection Created by Jerry Wang, last modified on May 20, 2015 当打开一个Opportunity时遇到如下错误: 该errormessage只有在第一次进入Opportunity overview page时才能看到。 Root cause:... CRM 原创 JerryWang汪子熙 ...
client side changing value of an asp:label Client-side handling of a Textbox TextChanged event Close a web page in Close child windows when we closed parent window. close the current browser tab on button click Close the current open window using c# Close the Jquery popup ...
In Microsoft BizTalk Server 2013, an SAP Send port cannot complete an RFC call to get open items, and you receive the following error message: SAP.Middleware.Connector.RfcInvalidStateException: Cannot get a client connection: invalid destination NCoConnection (DELETED) ...
I created client 300 and login to the client 300 try to do a client copy from client 000 as my source client in an IDES system and it keep throwing an error message "ERROR WHEN OPENING AN RFC CONNECTION (CPIC -CALL)". it will prompt me to configure RFC with the wizard which i did...