在使用Hive的过程中,有时候会遇到“Hive Beeline连接被拒绝 Error validating LDAP user”的问题,这可能是由于LDAP用户的验证出现了错误导致的。LDAP(Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)是一种用于获取目录服务信息的协议,常用于企业中的用户认证和权限管理。 问题分析 当使用Hive Beeline连接到Hive时,需要通过LDAP验...
dbeaver 连接hive error validating ldap user dbeaver连接hive kerberos,1、dbeaver所在的机器完成kerberos认证2、debaver通过jdbc连接hivekerberos认证通过后在有效期之内,该机器都可以连接hive,但是要注意,机器重启后,认证可能会失效,过期或者失效之后重新执行认证
(315)) - SASL negotiation failure javax.security.sasl.SaslException: Error validating the login [Caused by javax.security.sasl.AuthenticationException: Error validating LDAP user [Caused by javax.naming.AuthenticationException: [LDAP: error code 49 - 80090308: LdapErr: DSID-0C0903A9, ...
[warn] [client] [43] auth_ldap authenticate: user [username] authentication failed; URI [path/to/ldap/directory] [LDAP: ssl connections not supported][N/A]¶ The server logs this message if an LDAP session was requested but failed. If an SSL connection to the LDAP server ...
Cause: Invalid user or improper LDAPRealm configuration Action: Please check the if the Policy Provider is correct Action: Check the LDAPRealm Configuration in GlassFish. SEC1118 Error while de-aliasing the aliased password Cause: There was an exception while de-aliasing the aliased password pr...
The NTDS Replication 2108 user action is documented in the linked KB article MSKB837932. If the user action for your event isn't cited in the table above, execute a modified version of the action plan in MSKB837932by validating the vertical jet database stack from the bottom up (proceedi...
EPMWKSP-00607: There was an error validating user theme selection. Cause: The theme selection does not match one of the supported themes. Action: Verify the user theme selection is one of the supported themes. Level: 1 Type: ERROR EPMWKSP-00608: There was an error setting the user ...
msldap://server_name:389/CN=DynamicsSecurityService,CN=DynamicsSecurityServicePartition,DC=Microsoft,DC=COM In theOpen Authorization Storewindow, paste this value in theStore Namefield, change the authorization store type to the appropriate type according to the AzManConnectionString value i...
WARN[0000] Error validating CNI config file /etc/cni/net.d/87-podman-bridge.conflist: [netplugin failed: "fatal error: runtime: out of memory\n\nruntime stack:\nruntime.throw(0x558fc8f70bc5, 0x16)\n\t/usr/lib/golang/src/runtime/panic.go:1116 +0x74 fp=0x7ffe99053c10 sp=0x...
009208 W Local user passwords must be changed. 3310 009209 W The LDAP administrator password must be changed. 3320 009210 W The superuser password must be changed. 3330 009216 W Object available threshold has been reached. 3040 009217 W Role elevation requests are approved. 3375 ...