Errorusing xlsread (line 257) Worksheet'Sheet2' not found. Errorin realdata (line 59) On_Fl_stg1 = xlsread ('write.xlsx','Sheet2','A2:A4027'); Can someone please help me with this. I am using MATLAB 2019a, and it is unable to read my excel data from 'Sheet2' (the name ...
[~,text_data] = xlsread(strcat(PathName,filename(1,i)),1,'B2:B2'); Shoe_name(i) = text_data; clearA text_data Like this? I'm getting this error now Errorusing xlsread (line 129) Filename must be a string or character vector. ...
The combination of the OS and MATLAB version which you are using do not support other mode than
Try use the command "importdata" other than "xlsread". I also met this problem and found the following article:
Error using xlsread (line 247) Worksheet 'Sheet1' not found. Error in load_the_prediction_data (line 15) [~,Times]=xlsread(['dee1_' char(Current_time_stamp) '.xlsx'],'Sheet1','A:A'); FEATURED DISCUSSION The Future of Simulink in MATLAB ...
A function called byxlsreadis damaged or shadowed by a user defined function. Do you append the folders with your functions on thebottomof the path and not on thetop? filenameis an existing file with a forbidden sheet name already. Then it would be the question, how this file was create...
I can't seem to figure out why I get this error while trying to run some code. It is related to the xlsread function that I am using. Here is the code that I have: [T5.Sig, T5.TStr] = xlsread('chambertest5.xlsx',1,'C5:K608469'); ...
I've already searched the internet and haven't found any similar problem so maybe you can advise me. writetable(new_table,'C:\Users\Heindl\something\somethingelse.xls'); % This is the error: Errorusing writetable (line 142) Unableto write to sheet 'Sheet1' in file ...
I have got an error message: "Error using xlsread (line 257) Excel Worksheet could not be activated". I have used MATLAB R2019a in my personal computer (OS: Windows 10) and got this error. But the same code when I run in my office computer (OS: Windows 7) which...
v = xlsread('I:\Yeni klasör\Tez 30 temmuz\Tez kilitlenme\Türkiye\Kahramanmaraş\matlab model.xlsx') z=v(:,1) y=v(:,2) x=v(:,6) u=v(:,10) syms a, syms b, syms c, syms d, syms e p(1) = a, p(2) = b, p(3) = c, p(4...