time =(0:length(x)-1)/fs; 这个减号出错的原因,【0:length(x)】向量组不能与一个数相减。处理方法:将该代码改写为 time =(0:length(x)-ones(length(x)))/fs
Y1(k) = sum(okno1.*(exp(-2*pi*1i*k*m/WL))); <-- ERROR: Error using .* Matrix dimensions must agree. Y2(k) = sum(okno2.*(exp(-2*pi*1i*k*m/WL))); end Y1=abs(Y1); Y2=abs(Y2); G2(n) = max (0.5*(Y1./Y2+Y2./Y1)-1); end댓...
F_max=find(F==max(F))是什么意思为什么上面的结果会出现这样的错误:Error using ==> unknownMatrix dimensions must agree.Error in ==> renliandingwei at 79F_max=find(F==max(F));%中轴线位置 答案 find(max)是找出矩阵的最大值相关推荐 1F_max=find(F==max(F))是什么意思为什么上面的结果会出现...
[max_peak_v, max_peak_i] = max(power); bpm_smooth(i) = 60*freqs(max_peak_i); % Plot amplitudes in the fine-tuning interval hold on; smoothing_plot = plot(freqs*60, sqrt(power), 'r', 'LineWidth', 2); % Plot legend set(fft_plot, 'Displayname'...
Then start the program again and wait until Matlab stops at the error. Then inspect the current line and the used variables. Copy the parts of the failing command to the command window to investigate the source of the problems.
error: Matrix dimensions must agree / Inner... Learn more about matrix, dimension, inner matrix dimension, multiply, multiply matrices
>> F = [400,550,700,500,600];>> D = [2,0.5,0.75,1.5,3];>> W=F*D;Error using *Inner matrix dimensions must agree... 分享回复赞 zmud吧 🌜明🎎楼🌛 MUD教程--巫师入门教程3映射型变量里面有很多的小项,每一个小项都有与自己一一对应的参数。它们就好象是一个个独立的小变量一样,...
Error using horzcat Dimensions of matrices being concatenated are not consistent. Error in MutualInfo (line 7) jointHistogram = accumarray([indrow indcol], 1); Error in Nmutualinfol (line 103) [value,ind]=max(MutualInfo(b,a')); ThemeCopy size(a) 1...
x=min(x_value):0.1:max(x_value); y=subs(pol,x); plot(x,y,'r'); xlabel('X') ylabel('Y') end At line 19, the 'Error using reshape Number of elements must not change. Use [] as one of the size inputs to automatically calculate the ap...
To use the future default and silence this warning we advise to passrcond=None, to keep using the old, explicitly passrcond=-1. P = np.linalg.lstsq(X_homo, Y)[0].T # Affine matrix. 3 x 4 E:\ComfyUI\python_embeded\Lib\site-packages\torchvision\transforms\v2_deprecated.py:41: UserW...