1. IndentationError: unexpected indent 此错误一般是由于缩进不一致造成的。Python初学者100%会遇到此问题。 s = 0 for i in range(1, 6): s = s + i print( s) # 这里的缩进和上一行不一致 如果不理解缩进,可以参考 理解Python的代码缩进 - 知乎 (zhihu.com)。 2. NameError: name 'xxx' is ...
What is unexpected indent in Python? By: Rajesh P.S.As the error message indicates, you have an indentation error . This error occurs when a statement is unnecessarily indented or its indentation does not match the indentation of former statements in the same block. Python not only insists ...
python报错IndentationError: unexpected indent 报错原因是代码的缩进出了问题 如图是print(result.head(10))缩进了出了问题
go to View/Other Windows/Python Interactive Window. Then cut and paste the above code (with the unpack operator) into the interactive window and see what happens... this is where I get the 'unexpected indent' error message. Then, in that same interactive window, cut and...
IndentationError: unexpected indent 每次都是这个错误。 后来查资料是vimrc配置有点问题 我在写代码的时候用空格代替了tab python缩进太严格了 真不习惯这种 打开vim vim/etc/vim/vimrc 命令 找到:set noexpandtab 用" 注释掉 在:set tabstop=4 前面加上:set expandtab ...
多行注释不能嵌套 """ """和 ''' '''都是多行注释 总是离得最近的认为是一对注释符,你这样的话就是 ''' 和 """ 组成一对,后面 """ 和 ''' 组成一对。中间的 display class xxx 就游离于注释之外了,而这些又不是有效代码。
WSGI error unexpected indent wsgi.py in /home/username/mysite/mysite contents of wsgi.py: # +++++ DJANGO ++++++# To use your own django app use code like this:importosimportsysfromdjango.core.wsgiimportget_wsgi_applicationos.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE','mysite.settings')...
4. IndentationError: unexpected indent 5. 'DictCursor' object has no attribute 'commit' 6. SyntaxError: positional argument follows keyword argument 7. TypeError: func() got multiple values for argument 'a1' 8. TypeError: Object of type set is not JSON serializable ...
1245 0 3 Module build failed: ParseError: unexpected "indent" 1365 0 1 indent问题 654 0 2 Module build failed: SyntaxError: Unexpected token (89:12) 1587 0 2 indent,stylus install 了,缩进也没啥问题吧。tslint自己配置了off, 747 0 2 登录...
4.IndentationError:unexpected indent 报错原因:缩进错误 5.ImportError: Missing optional dependency 'openpyxl'. Use pip or conda to install openpyxl. 报错原因:并未下载openpyxl包 解决办法:按照指示下载即可 pipinstallopenpyxl 6.AttributeError: module 'tensorflow' has no attribute 'random_normal' ...