This may involve moving the TFTP server or setting up a new server on a network segment topologically closer to the router, or on the same LAN segment as the router. ->This issue can also occur if the file size is larger than 16MB since the Cisco IOS TFTP client cannot transfer files ...
Solved: Hello, I installed a new router and trying to backup the initial configuration to our tftp server. But getting the error " %Error opening t (Timed out)" I can ping the tftp server from router.
%Error opening tftp:// (time out) 这是由于路由器的autoinstall(自动获取配置)的功能引起的。 在全局配置模式下输入no service config 如下:Router(config)#no service config 用了上面的方法后,我发现它还会出现,这是因为现在的配置还没有保存的原因,再次敲下如下命令: Router#copy ru...
转自:,侵删. %Error opening tftp:// (time out) %Error opening tftp:// (time out) %Error opening tftp:// (time out) %Error opening tftp:// ...
法一:可以查看你那台TFTP server是不是还在监听UDP69 (cmd下 netstat -na)法二:若你还是用那个Cisco TFTP server软件,建议换个,这东西版本太老了 建议用solarwinds tftp server(这个也是永久免费的)下载地址:
cisco 出现 %Error opening tftp:// 错误解决办法 ,在全局配置模式下输入noserviceconfig如下:Router(config)#noserviceconfig
cisco 出现 %Error opening tftp:// 错误解决办法 在全局配置模式下输入no service config 如下:Router(config)#no service config
51CTO博客已为您找到关于tftp -p -l error的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及tftp -p -l error问答内容。更多tftp -p -l error相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
%Error opening tftp:// (Socket error) %Error opening tftp:// (Socket error) These error messages are related to the default service configuration option built into Cisco IOS software, which attempts to access the service configuration fil...