If you’re not a root user and you try to use the “sudo apt-get” command, you’ll receive an error message that says “sudo apt-get command not found.” This article will guide you on how to fix this error and use your preferred package manager without logging into a root user a...
How to Fix the “sudo: command not found” Error on Linux You don’t need to worry as we have simple solution for this. Run the following command in your Linux to install Sudo command or tool: On Debian-based systems: apt install sudo Then, add your user to the sudo group with the...
Here’s how you can fix the “sudo command not found” error in Debian, Ubuntu and other distros. Sometimes, when you set up or installLinux distributionsfor the first time, you get the “sudo command not found” error while trying some commands with sudo. The sudo command is an abbrevia...
If you are using a Linux distribution like Debian or Ubuntu and you get the “apt command not found error”, then keep reading below. The first section of this document is for Ubuntu users; instructions for Debian users can be found in the second section. Fixing the “apt command not fou...
Installing the “apt” package To install the “apt” package, you can use the “apt-get” command, which should be available on your Debian system by default. Run the following command: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install apt ...
Now, check whether the problem “sudo: apt-get: command not found” gets resolved or not. As we all know that BCD problem is hard enough to eradicate. So, you can go for the alternative method listed below. Fix 2: Sudo Command not Found on Free BSD and other Unices ...
http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/debian-ubuntu-rhel-centos-linux-bash-sudo-command-not-found/ 安装sudo $ su - and install sudo apt-getinstall sudo 修改sudo sudo vi /etc/sudoers 安装红色的那一行,添加一个用户 # # This file MUST be edited with the'visudo'commandasroot. ...
在使用Anaconda或Miniconda管理Python环境时,你可能会遇到“CommandNotFoundError: Your shell has not been properly configured to use ‘conda activate’”的错误。这个错误表明你的shell没有正确配置以使用conda激活命令。以下是几种可能的解决方案: 检查Anaconda/Miniconda是否已正确安装:首先确保你已经正确安装了Anacon...
sudoapt update Add Sudo’s Directory to the Path Variable If you have sudo installed on your system but continue to get asudo: command not founderror, then check your PATH variable and make sure it includes the directory where sudo is installed. ...
Now, open the terminal and execute this command: dpkg-iapt_2.7.6_amd64.deb You have successfully installed the APT package, and the “apt-get command not found” error will not bother you anymore. Conclusion The “apt-get command not found” error arises due to the unavailability of the ...