But when I run the code inside Docker container, the connection not success and has the following error: [SequelizeConnectionError]: Failed to connect to mssqlServer.local:1433 - socket hang up at ConnectionManager.connect (/usr/src/app/node_modules/sequelize/lib/dialects/mssql/connection-manage...
RequestError: Error: socket hang up at new RequestError (/usr/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/request-promise-core/lib/errors.js:14:15) at Request.plumbing.callback (/usr/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/request-promise-core/lib/plumbing.js:87:29) at Request.RP$callback [as _...
本人正在使用docker运行一个中型的项目,包含40多个微服务及相关的docker。由于docker-compose up 同时启动的服务过多,超过了请求HTTP限制的60s时间仍未全部成功启动起来,所以出现了超时错误: ERROR: An HTTP request took too long to complete. Retry with --verbose to obtain debug information. If you encounter th...
[HPM] Proxy created: [ '/mock/' ] -> http://localhost:9000 proxy error: { Error: socket hang up at createHangUpError (_http_client.js:323:15) at Socket.socketCloseListener (_http_client.js:364:25) at Socket.emit (events.js:203:15) at TCP._handle.close (net.js:606:12) code...
(Ubuntu 7.5.0-3ubuntu1~18.04) 7.5.0, 64-bit2021-12-01_12:51:37.26925 LOG: listening on Unix socket "/var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"2021-12-01_12:51:37.35617 LOG: database system was shut down at 2021-12-01 12:50:49 GMT2021-12-01_12:51:37.36190 LOG: database ...
Socket closed error Hello I am using newman library with following code i am getting error [errored] Socket closed const newman = require(‘newman’); const SocksProxyAgent = require(‘socks-proxy-agent’); const requestAgent = new SocksProxyAgent({ host: ‘localhost’, port: ‘8080’ })...
Also put up the\netsetup.logfrom one of them and share a link. Regards, Dave Patrick ... Microsoft Certified Professional Microsoft MVP [Windows Server] Datacenter Management Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties or guarantees, and confers no rights. Wednesday...
But we've no idea why it hang in the first place, right? Andrew Goode@goodeas·8 years ago The manual delete procedure worked for me too, and I can create a new project with the same name now. Thanks@markglenfletcher. ·8 years ago ...
tcp6 0 0 :::9000 :::* LISTEN 2234/docker-proxy tcp6 0 0 :::80 :::* LISTEN 1842/apache2 1.4 ⽹络服务管理 ⽹络服务管理程序分为两种,分别为SysV和systemd。现在Systemd已经基本取代了SysV的Init。 1.5 设置静态ip 在搭建任何集群,都是要设置静态ip的。
Multiple Solutions For The Error “Socket Hang Up” In Docker Solution 1:Simply include the following code in main.ts, where we listen to the port. awaitapp.listen(6001,'',() =>console.log(`Listening on port: 6000`));