错误信息 "Error found by spectre during circuit read-in. ERROR (SFE-23): "input.scs" 1" 表示在Spectre电路读取过程中发现了一个错误,具体错误编号为SFE-23,错误发生在文件"input.scs"的第1行。 SFE-23错误通常指示实例(如晶体管、电阻等)引用了未定义的模型或子电路。 查找与"error (sfe-23):"相关...
ERROR (SFE-23): "input.scs" 13: The instance `MP10' is referencing an undefined model or subcircuit, `modp'. Either include the file containing the definition of `modp', or define `modp' before running the simulation. ERROR (SFE-23): "input....
SFE100的设计紧凑可靠,是同档次产品中唯一可以内置功率放大器的信号发生器,尤其 2020-12-31 16:44:48 CORTEX-M4的ADC通道问题 M3、M4的ADC_BASE定义只有两个: #define ADC0_BASE 0x40038000 // ADC0 #define ADC1_BASE wacylee 2018-05-14 02:04:03 ...
ERROR (SFE-23): "input.scs" 19: X0 is an instance of an undefined model f_opAmp.Jaisal over 7 years ago I am getting this error when tried to simulate ideal op-amp from library named 'functional'. Can someone help me to fix it. Thanks,...
我在做数模混仿的时候,出现错误如下,希望高手解答:Errorfoundby spectreduringcircuit read-in.ERROR(SFE-23):" 二霸2021-06-25 08:04:18 chipscope13.1错误 -Failedtogenerate'icon_pro'.Errorfoundduringgeneration.:ERROR:sim:877 -Errorfoundduringexecution ...
有参考价值0 我就是这样设置的,然后再config中MDIV模块选择verilog,其它的都用schematic。
2019-12-22 19:58 −报错如下: sudo npm i webpack -g /Users/xesfe/.npm-global/bin/webpack -> /Users/xesfe/.npm-global/lib/node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js # System-wide... 地铁程序员 0 2389 nginx报SSL_do_handshake() failed (SSL: error:14077438:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER...
2019-12-22 19:58 −报错如下: sudo npm i webpack -g /Users/xesfe/.npm-global/bin/webpack -> /Users/xesfe/.npm-global/lib/node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js # System-wide... 地铁程序员 0 2389 nginx ssl 2019-12-04 22:41 −SSL 私钥/etc/pki/CA/ (umask 077;openssl genrsa...
I am working on IC614 with the techonology IBM7RF. After extracting models from layout by Assura QRC, I tried to do the post-simulation with that extraction. However, a long list of errors (SFE-23) come out in ADE with Spe...