I believe thatdownloading the latest SDKwould remedy this, but Visual C++ 6.0 is not supported by this latest version. So if you're using VC++ 6.0, the easiest thing to do would probably be to define this constant yourself for the time being: #defineINVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER 0xFFFFFFFF...
2333 Error setting file attributes. GetLastError: [2]. 2334 Error converting file time to local time for file: [3]. GetLastError: [2]. 2335 Path: [2] is not a parent of [3]. 2336 Error creating temp file on path: [3]. GetLastError: [2]. 2337 Could not close file: [3] GetLast...
CurrentFile CurrentFlowDecision CurrentFlowSwitch CurrentInstructionPointer CurrentInstructionPointerPaused CurrentInstructionPointerStopped CurrentLocationArrow Курсор CursorFile Кривой CustomAction CustomActionEditor CustomControl CustomCSS CustomErrorMessage CustomValidator Вырезать Цилин...
The file cannot be opened because it is in the process of being deleted. ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_WITH_GLOBAL_SHORT_NAME_REGISTRY_SETTING 304 (0x130) Short name settings may not be changed on this volume due to the global registry setting.
WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR 错误检查的值为 0x00000124,表明发生了致命的硬件错误。 此错误检查使用 Windows 硬件错误体系结构 (WHEA) 提供的错误数据。 若要识别错误的特定原因,通常需要了解WHEA_ERROR_RECORD结构。 有关详细信息,请参阅本文的备注部分。
Run the.formats esp ^ ebpcommand to display the differences in values between the ESP and EBP registers. The stack pointer value in the EBP register will be close to the stack pointer value in the ESP register, except for the single-bit error. This command frequently reveals the ...
When I try to reset these files, I get the following error on them: Pointer file error: Unable to parse pointer at: "Assets/Art/TestArt/model_file.fbx". And this shows up for a few files also added and committed using the latest version of Git LFS. Using git lfs env gives me this...
*.lib filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text some/specific/file.lib filter=none diff=none merge=none But thenonething I do here is totally theoretical... does it exist in practice? Sorry, something went wrong. But the none thing I do here is totally theoretical... does it exist in prac...
This causes the protection attempt to fail, which might cause a file creation attempt to fail. 0x00000231 ERROR_INVALID_LDT_SIZE Indicates that an attempt was made to grow a local domain table (LDT) by setting its size, or that the size was not an even number of selectors. 0x00000233...
The thread pointer is the pointer to the Java VM internal thread structure. It is generally of no interest unless you are debugging a live Java VM or core file. The following list shows possible thread types. JavaThread VMThread CompilerThread GCTaskThread WatcherThread ConcurrentMarkSweep...