当你遇到Kafka的“error sending fetch request”错误时,这通常表示Kafka客户端在尝试从Kafka服务器(broker)获取消息时遇到了问题。为了解决这个问题,你可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 1. 确认Kafka服务状态 首先,确保Kafka服务正在运行并且状态正常。你可以通过Kafka的命令行工具kafka-topics.sh来检查Kafka集群的状态,或...
实时计算Flink读取消息队列Kafka,flink日志中出现Error sending fetch request (sessionId=1510763375, epoch=12890978) to node 103: {}.org.apache.flink.kafka.shaded.org.apache.kafka.common.errors.DisconnectException: null
works fine. Our platform requires us to use higher version of the spring-boot-starter-parent (2.1.4) and spring-kafka (2.2.6.RELEASE), tested the same code with spring versions, I get "Error sending fetch request (sessionId=INVALID, epoch=INITIAL) to node 0: org.apache.kafka.common.er...
Swagger访问报错 Fetch error,访问Swagger经常碰到如下错误:Fetcherror: InternalServerError/swagger/v1/swagger.json解决办法:查看控制器1、查看是否写:[HttpPost]或其它特性2、查看是否写:[Route("api/[controller]")]...
[error] [default] Error sending telemetry FetchError: The pending stream has been canceled (caused by: unable to verify the first certificate) 具体信息: 2024-07-23 17:44:56.712 [error] [default] Error sending telemetry FetchError: The pending stream has been canceled (caused by: unable to ...
在这段代码中,我们定义了一个异步函数fetchData(),该函数使用 Axios 发起一个 GET 请求。如果请求失败,我们可以根据不同的错误类型进行处理。 错误状态图 理解状态机模型对于处理错误非常重要。我们可以将请求的状态视作一个状态图,如下所示: 2xx4xx5xxHandle ErrorHandle ErrorSendingSuccessClientErrorServerError ...
The trigger is operational and sending its signal properly through the hardware. The hardware can support the line on which the trigger is being sent. The software session is looking for that trigger on the proper line. The voltage of the trigger source is within specification of the digitizer...
error: Uncaught Http: error sending request for url (https://copernicus.discomap.eea.europa.eu/arcgis/rest/services/Corine/CLC2018_WM/MapServer/0?f=json): error trying to connect: tls handshake eof Works fine with curl and client side JS. Something wrong with SSL management in Deno? Calling...
Sending a request to the AI service API failed. alignment-config-classname-already-defined The same className in one of the alignment.options was already declared. Parameters option : any First option that declares given className. configuredOptions : any Contents of alignment.options. alignment-con...