@文心快码BaiduComateerror sending data 12002 文心快码BaiduComate 针对您提到的错误代码 "12002",这是一个在多种网络编程环境中可能遇到的错误,特别是在使用 Delphi 及其网络库时。错误代码 "12002" 通常表示 "操作超时"(The operation timed out)。这通常意味着在指定的时间内,网络请求未能完成。以下是对此错误的...
现象 在双翼邮件群发软件中添加账户,测试账户出现下面错误 解决方法 检查自建邮局邮箱(WebMail)录入的邮箱URL是否准确,自建邮局邮箱是否能在网页中打开。 URL例子: ,需要包含端口 上一篇:添加账户出现错误 ERR.LOGIN.PASSERR 下一篇:添加邮箱处出现错误 Internal server error ...
亲,您好,很高兴为您解答[鲜花][戳脸]:错误代码12002通常是由程序或系统与Internet或网络之间的连接问题引起的。可以尝试以下解决方案:1. 检查网络连接:确保计算机与Internet的连接正常。可以尝试重新启动路由器或调整网络设置。2. 禁用防火墙或安全软件:有时防火墙或安全软件可能会阻止程序与Internet连接...
Timeout occurred while sending request to server.Comparable to WinInet error code: Error 12002: Timeout. The request has timed out. Error Component ID: oracle.oats.lbrowser Error Code ID: ERROR_INTERNET_REQUEST_TIMEOUT Timeout occurred while waiting for server response.Comparable to WinInet error...
12002 A failure occurred when writing the devmap file. 12003 Create application failed. 12004 The devmap file does not exist in the specified location: {0}. 12005 You do not have the permissions to access the devmap. 12006 You do not have the permissions to access the volume file. 12007...
1500 An error occurred while operating on OceanBase Database. Error: {0}. 1501 No node of the version {0} exists. 1998 COMMON_NOT_IMPLEMENTED 1999 An unknown error occurred. Cause: {0}. Error: {1}. Please contact the administrator. 3000 You are not logged on or a logon error occurre...
12002 PERERR_JTAPPLAY_REQUESTNOTFOUND 1st Level Text = ' Request Not found - No client' 2nd Level Text = 'A response was received for a client handle that is no longer there. Possibly the client disconnected/logged out' 3rd Level Text = '' 12003 PERERR_JTAPPLAY_NOINVOCATIONDATA 1st...
现象 添加@tom.com邮箱,测试账户出现错误Internal server error, 如下图。 解决方法 出现这个错误是因为录入的邮箱或者密码错误,重新录入邮箱密码后再次验证。
12002 The tool cannot work together with the positioning-part of the machine. Either, the positioning-part doesn't implement ISMPositionKinematics2, or the tool cannot deal with the positioning's image of orientations. SMC_TRAFO_NOT_INITIALIZED 12003 The FB implements |ISMKinematicWithInitial...
Database Error. 11529 INTERNAL ERROR: No threads available to run query. 11530 Invalid property for dataSources 11531 Catalog/Template contains different DB login(s). 12000 Contact History Table not specified. 12001 Customer ID not specified. 12002 Offer ID not specified. 12003 Channel ...