Error running 'index': Cannot run program "C:\Users\testgu\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\python.exe" (in directory "D:\PYWorkspace\ycyzharry"): CreateProcess error=2, 系统找不到指定的文件。 解决办法: Pycharm找到"File" ->"Settings" ->"Project:XXX" ->"Python interpreter" 选择对...
但是运行起来就:Error running XXX : Cannot run program"...\python.exe"(in directory "项目文件地址")... 在网上查找原因一般都会说把编译环境重新配置一下,然而没什么用 解决:Run-Edit Configurations-Python interpreter下,选成非Project Default项,解决啦...
假设你在Windows系统中使用IDEA运行Tomcat时遇到“Error running tomcat: Cannot run program”的错误。首先检查环境变量配置,发现JAVA_HOME指向了JDK的安装路径,CATALINA_HOME指向了Tomcat的安装路径,说明环境变量配置正确。然后尝试重新安装Tomcat,但问题仍然存在。最后检查权限设置,发现IDEA没有以管理员身份运行。在兼容性...
Pycharm报错:Error running ‘XXX‘: Cannot run program “XXX\python.exe“ (in directory “XXX“) 1.看一下报错时的路径,与环境不对应时即说明有问题 2.退出pycharm——找到项目文件,删除.idea隐藏文件——重新打开项目
场景 在使用PyCharm运行python代码时报错: Error running testone: Cannot run program "D:\python.exe" (...
Error running 'docs': Cannot run program "\usr\bin\make" (in directory "F:\xx\goland-api\xxxx-go"): CreateProcess error=2, 系统找不到指定的文件。 安装make: windows上安装:chocolatey 然后执行: choco installmake然后golang 的setting菜单搜索make配置make的路径:make的安装路径是:C:\ProgramData\ch...
Error running ' mvn install:install-file -DartifactId=myArtifactId -Dversion=0.7.0 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=E:\myProject.jar ': Cannot run program "mvn" (in directory "E:\javawarkspace\webhisprotal\ips-portal-admin\hsa-ips-admin-biz\src\main\java\cn\hsa...
(Error running 'app': Run configuration app is not supported in the current project.)解决 总之就是很头大,有点时候一运行就报错,但过一会或者重启一下就没错了,Android Studiodepends on bugs是吧(乐)
This error may occur if the Windows Software Licensing Rearm program has run more than three times in a single Windows image. Resolution To resolve this issue, you must rebuild the Windows image. Workaround To work around this issue, use the <SkipRearm> setting in an XML answer...
You can run theAdprep /rodcprepcommand multiple times without harming the forest. Operations that were completed in earlier executions of the rodcprep command aren't repeated. If you try to run therodcprepcommand in an isolated environment, the infrastructure master for each domain and for each ...