这个错误信息表明在使用 Git 进行操作时(如克隆、拉取或推送代码),底层的 cURL 库在尝试通过 HTTP/2 协议进行通信时遇到了问题。具体来说,错误 curl 92 http/2 stream 5 was not closed cleanly 指出HTTP/2 流(在这里是流 5)没有被正确关闭,这可能是由于网络问题、服务器问题或客户端(在这里是 Git 和 cU...
error: RPC failed; curl 92 HTTP/2 stream 0 was not closed cleanly: PROTOCOL_ERROR (err 1) fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedly fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedly Everything up-to-date 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 解决方法 git config --global http.version HTTP/1.1 1. 然后重...
报错如下: Counting objects: 100% (25515/25515),done. Delta compression using up to 4 threads Compressing objects: 100% (18794/18794),done. error: RPC failed; curl 92 HTTP/2 stream 0 was not closed cleanly: CANCEL (err 8) fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedlyiB | 19.00 KiB/s Wr...
error: RPC 失败。curl 92 HTTP/2 stream 5 was not closed cleanly: CANCEL (err 8) error: 预期仍然需要 6355 个字节的正文 fetch-pack: unexpected disconnect while reading sideband packet fatal: 过早的文件结束符(EOF) fatal: fetch-pack:无效的 index-pack 输出 解决方法 git clone http://github.co...
git error: RPC failed; curl 92 HTTP/2 stream 0 was not closed cleanly: PROTOCOL_ERROR (err 1) 今天在使用git命令提交代码的时候,出现了下面的问题: Writing objects: 100% (13/13), 206.83 KiB | 25.85 MiB/s, done.Total 13 (delta 5), reused 0 (delta 0)error: RPC failed; curl 92 HTTP...
在使用给git克隆项目的时候报这个错:error: RPC failed; curl 92 HTTP/2 stream 3 was not closed cleanly before end of the underlying stream fatal: expected flush after ref listing,百度找到了解决方法,记录一下,以便自己日后再遇到的时候不知道怎么解决参考链接 ...
error: RPC failed; curl 92 HTTP/2 stream 0 was not closed cleanly: PROTOCOL_ERROR (err 1) 网上搜了一下,千篇一律的放屁,有说更新缓存的,又说配置http版本的,都没有效果 最后来了脾气,直接打开终端 cd 到项目文件夹下 用命令行push git push ...
Created fresh repository.error: RPC failed; curl 92 HTTP/2 stream 0 was not closed cleanly: INTERNAL_ERROR (err 2)fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedlyfatal: protocol error: bad pack header And: error: RPC failed; curl 92 HTTP/2 stream 0 was not closed cleanly: INTERNAL_ERROR (err...
git拉代码时报错error: RPC failed; curl 56 Recv failure: Connection reset by peer,打开电脑第一件事,gitpull,但是git给我报了这个错误,还是挺蒙蔽的原因gitclone代码时,如果项目总大小比较小时克隆代码没问题,占用内存比较大时就会如下报错解决方案1.查看git全局
error: RPC failed; curl 92 HTTP/2 stream 0 was not closed cleanly: PROTOCOL_ERROR (err 1) 起因:自己顶不住好奇心,升级了Mac系统。界面看起来,真香!然鹅用起来其实也挺香,就是有些开发常用的竟然挂掉了,挂掉了。 最直观的就是Parallels Desktop , xcode , git,完蛋。前两个更新重装就解决了,Git遇到...